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This is my Macro Monarch Deck the way it is at the moment. Ive also thrown in possible fixes.


Monsters: 20


3x Caius the Shadow Monarch (might neg one for a second Thestalos)

2x Kuraz the Light Monarch

1x Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

1x Raiza the Storm Monarch (might neg it for a second Thestalos)

1x Cyber Dragon

3x D.D. Survivor

3x D.D. Scout Plane

1x Cyber Valley (I only have one at this stage)

2x Exiled Force (probably gonna neg them for 2 Valleys)

1x Snipe Hunter (there until I can get a Grand Mole)

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior

1x Marshmallon (in here until I can get a Spirit Reaper)


Spells: 13


3x Dimensional Fissure

2x Reinforcement of the Army

1x Allure of Darkness (I only have one at the moment)

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Heavy Storm

1x Brain Control

1x Giant Trunade (gonna probably neg for an Allure)

2x D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation

1x Fissure (probably gonna neg for an Allure)


Traps: 7


3x Bottomless Trap Hole (in there until I can get Solemns)

2x Macro Cosmos

1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute


Side Deck (so far):


3x Divine Wrath

2x Mobius the Frost Monarch


Any help to fit in a second Allure (when I get it) would be appreciated. Im not too sure about running 3 in here. As for Kuraz, it seems to work better in here at 2 for some reason.

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needs machine duplication - vortex and -1 cyber dragon and -1 heavy strm for 2 soul exchange


CyDra is good in Macro. I dont think I want to neg it. I'll think about Soul Exchange but I dont like the fact Machine Dup would only have 1 target. Might be good in the side though.


Vortex can get rid of a card I dont need in my hand or a Scout Plane for that and allows for possible mass monster destruction. I feel Heavy Storm is needed in here. A good player wouldnt have more than one D-Fissure or Macro active now would he.

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kuraz is a bad card. Run Thestalos if you must(it's not that good in this meta) but Kuraz is abominable, even if your going to be trying to blow up your own guys that come back for drawing, which is silly. Snipe hunter is fine in here for now, if you make all the changes you are saying your going to you'd have too few darks to use allure as efficiently seeing as you definetley want caius and survivor to hit the field. Fissure is random and not needed and like you say should be dropped for an allure, you have plenty of monster removal already. Cydra in a D.D deck? If your doing it right you'll be wanting mostly dark monsters and will always have a survivor or plane on your side of the field. Anyways once you fix it up I'll help you fine tune it.

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CyDra is great in here. Kuraz is not terrible. Its terrible at 3 yes. I tried it at 3, it ended up slowing me down too much and in turn costed me duels. At 2 it works just right. Fissure gives free monster destruction which is good. Its fine in here for the moment. Thestalos is a great card. A -1 on the opponents hand is good and it usually always has a target. Im probably gonna end up having plenty of DARKs in here. Once Ive completed the deck Ill have 12 targets for Allure which is more than enough. A minimum of 9 targets is what is needed in order to max Allure. From what Ive found anyway. Allure is a unique drawing engine. Trade-In and D-Draw only need about 6 targets minimum for either one to be maxed. Drawing speeds up the deck. If I decide to throw in Return again, Kuraz can also set me up for an OTK. I dont like Return in this format as it is too inconsistent thanks to its Limiting.

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