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Ascari:All my cards ever.darkmage999 and Trav10 MEMBER TRIBUTES posted!


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I found numerous OCG errors. I fixed only the Pokemon cards. All of them have good, balanced effects, unless noted.



This card only be Advance Summoned if you Release 2 LIGHT monsters. If this card is summoned by the effect of "Riolu", you lose 2000 Life Points and every other monster on your side of the field is destroyed. Then, you may add 1 "Aura Storm" from your Deck to your Hand. For every monster destroyed by this effect, increase this monster's ATK by 300. During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent’s Life Points. During the End Phase, you can Release this monster to increase your Life Points by the ATK of this card.


Aura Storm

This card can only be activated by selecting 1 face-up "Lucario" in Attack Position. Send all cards in your hand to the graveyard. For every card sent to the graveyard this way, increase your opponent's Life Points by 300. Whenever the selected monster becomes an Attack Target, you can choose to double its ATK until the end of the Damage step. If you do this, "Lucario" is destroyed at the end of the turn.



When this card is successfully summoned, destroy 1 face-up Spell card on the field. This monster is treated as 2 Releases when Advance summoning "Lucario".



This card can only be Advance Summoned by Releasing 2 LIGHT monsters. Increase the ATK of this card by 200 for every face-up LIGHT monster on the field. During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent’s Life Points.



This card can only be Advance Summoned by Releasing 1 DARK monster and 1 LIGHT monster. This card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. This monster cannot be selected as an attack target as long as there is another DARK or LIGHT monster on your side of the field. You can Release 1 DARK monster on your side of the field to attack your opponent directly.

This card is broken. It is too easy to summon for being invulnerable in battle, and for sacrificing 1 monster to attack directly. Having BOTH effects, and having 2900 ATK is truely broken. In fact, its "Chaos-Emperor-Dragon" broken. Actually, it looks a lot like CED: its tributes, getting a direct attack, and its resilience to being dealt with easily. I would dump the direct attack ability, it's just too much for this card.



This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon with the above Fusion Material Monsters. When this card is Fusion Summoned successfully, you lose 2500 Life Points and your opponent gains 1000 Life Points. Increase the ATK of this card by 300 for every DARK and LIGHT monster in your Graveyard. This card cannot be affected by the effects of Spell or Trap cards. You can pay half your Life Points to destroy all monsters on your opponent's side of the field.

This card is not over-powered like people have said. Even though you will have at least 5 Dark monsters in the graveyard when its summoned, making it 5100, it requires 5 monsters, so it is balanced.


Now, as for the Deoxys, they themselves have a bit of OCG problems, but I feel that I have done enough for now. Speed Form's effect makes no sense at all. Act it out with real cards; you'll see what I mean. They may be a little on the strong side, but that may be fine, depending on how you change their summoning. That's right, NO ABSOLUTE DEOXYS! How do peolpe make super-broken cards and think, "Well, this is fair. I can totally see Konami making a card like this." YCM is cluttered with cards like this; most of the cards in the REALISTIC section are the farthest thing from BALANCED. To see what a truly balanced card is, actually read real cards and make effects similar to theirs. (Cue applause and an "Amen" :).)


Hope all this helps.

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