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[AFI] After the impact [AFI]

Crystal Alien

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Spot I start in:France.in the remains of the effiel tower

Stuff you have with you:A laptop,& a rifle

Background of my character:He lived in the U.S. his whole life,He was on vacation when the impact happened.Somehow he survived in the effiel tower & when it colappsed,he didn't get hurt

Desc. of him/her:He is 5'9 tall.He has a six pack.He is a oympian.He did play football a couple years.That is my Desc. of him

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Ooc: Ok accepted. ^^ ( Rebemer right after your post your ap you can rp )


As ryan had been walking for 2 days he had hit some water of the ocean. Off to the shore line he seen a old boat that could probley still run. He ran up to the boat and walked into the captins room. He than notice the captin pined to the wall he grabed him and threw him over bored an started off on his search for life.

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Starting Spot:Mining Site in Canada


Starting Stuff:Flashlight,Clothing(and stuff like that),assault Rifle*,Combat Knife* (*=goes to house to get these weapons)


Background:A former Canadian soldier that quit in the age of 25 and became a minor in search of treasure


Desc:From age 18-25, Jimmy has been a trained soldier in the military,but quit as soon as he figured that his best friend died in a battle(Mike)and became a minor to look for valubles


Desc of Char:Normal height,Six pack,long spiky hair with green highlights


Is this ok? and what is the threat? zombies or something?

Jimmy ran back with his pick axe and lanter to his house,after hours jimmy was tired and weak so he had to go to sleep


when he woke up,he changed into a bright red and black suit and grabbed his old rifle a knife and a strong flash light and he armed himslef with that equipment and went outside trying to find peaople still living

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Name:Aashar akram


Starting point:On top of a mountian.


Starting equipment:Ebony&Ivory:


and Rebellion:



sorry for the pics.


Backround:Has been a Murderur in 7 countries and turned good after the last kill and predicted something was going to happen.



After the tragedy he was stuck on a mountian hoping somebody could save him he remembered it was his friend when he left he thought he could go to paris to ejoy himself but the Impact destroyed evrything but lucky enough to survive.


Aashar:Whats going on here? Everything is Destroyed.


Aashar turned to see nothing in his way execpt rocks and remains of old buildings.


Aashar:There's gotta be suvivors here but everything is destroyed.


Aashar started walking toward the beach and then the peir.



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Spot you start in: He ended up in the rockies somewhere

Stuff you have on you: AK 47 with 100 shots. A laptop and I phone. HAnd gun

Background of your char: He was a very athletic child and is now 17

Desc of him/her: Tall and muscular. Like to wear black t-shirts. His hear is blond. Has a pair of jeans.

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