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Legend Zero

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TriJokermon:"Disrespects to me are you joking. I am grateful"

Andrew:"10 years ago my father died by a digimon. TriJokermon 3 years ago came to me. there was a note attached to his wrist."He threw down a note and it said


Dear andrew,

if you are reading this i am dead. and if have never see this creature before he is called a digimon i created him and the world he lives in called the the digital world. if you have seen him burn this note. if you have not seen him before then i have two dieing wishes for you. first anyone that comes to the digital world if they are evil stop them. also i want you to scan the digimon in this world and create a new digimon. the two will be your partners.


Andrew:"this was my fathers last wish"

TriJokermon:"And i have devoted my life to helping him."

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Andrew was angry:" those people made it wrong this digimon will be in pain in 3 seconds. that is it. "

Belphemon was screaming in pain.

Andrew:"TriJokermon activate the virus now."


*on earth *

all the computers that the Scientist were working on started to fail.


*back in the digital world*

TriJokermon:"the program is activated."

Andrew:"i told you Scientist not to attack this world"

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I would like to apply if you'll allow it.


Name: James Kalic(i'm bad with last names) or masquerade

Age: 15

Apperence: very dark blond hair (due to self seclusure), blue eyes, as masquerade he wears a black cape, plain black mask, and a digivice straped to his arm.

Bio: very self reliant, commanding, but caring. has a strong sense of justice. his history will be revealed as the stoy progresses(but can be pm'd if wanted minatocloud)

Style of digidestined: Bio-Merge


[spoiler=Digimon Partner:]


Digimon Bio: shademon in his rookie forms is the compleate opposite of his evolutions: shy, meek, big hearted, caring ect. his evolved forms however are very wild and dangerous, not being able to tell friend from foe without james's help.


rookie: Shademon(a skull and 6 ribbed spine with a gem in the middle, clothed by a grip reaper like robe of shadows with 2 arms.) Attacks: bone spear(stabes with end of spine) shadow puppetry(creates various beasts out of shadows and attacks) Note: shademon can merge with the digivice on james right arm to become a guantlet like weapon with a skull shoulder guard. in this form james can control and enhance shademon's attacks to his own advantedge.


champion: Nailmon(a larger no robed shademon whose 6 rib spikes have grown larger to form a sideway's venus fly trap shape with a gem in the middle. skull has grown 2 side horns and he now has large boned shadow legs and arms) attacks: nail crusher(smashes with gaint clawed hand) shadow trap(drags enemies into ribs with gem and seals them inside.)


ultimate: Doomshademon(a giant, legless, muscular, humanoid shadow rising from a dark vortex in the ground. has a 3 horned skull for a face and a bone jaw. on both hands are eyes and on his chest are 4 crossing exposed rib bones that meet at a black gem . has a second pair of arms from the back forming wings used for defense) Attacks: Black gust(whips up a storm with his wings) dark fist(punches ground and warps fist under enemy) shadow beam(fires a strong blast from the middle horn)


mega: Masqueramon (a humanoid digimon that resembles a black clothed elegant man with a 3 horned skull mask, cape, and claw/gem staff. he has short blond hair, blue eyes that peer though the skull mask. he has 4 rib like bones in an x form meeting at the center like a chestplate.) attacks: 1000 Mask(creates multiple masks that fire beams of darkness and can shield from attack) shadow cloak (covers self in cape and vanishes into darkness) shadow command(posseses enemy shadows and uses them as allies) digivolves via bio-merge




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OOC: thanks for the pm. if you don't mind i think i'll start now.


"mother, father, i'm home." James stood at the door way as he removed his shoes. quickly not waiting for a reply he made his way up the stairs to his room. placed in front of the door was a large box, with a cake inside, that read "Happy 15th birthday" on it.

"(typical)" he thought as he took it inside and placed it on his desk. he quickly took his laptop out of his bag and hooked it up to his main system. after the initial start up, a message appeared on the screen that read, "auto start-up enabled. launch project NEw worLD?" james clicked enter and the entire screen went dark. only when he was about to leave did the screen flash and a flood of data pooled on to the screen. james smiled. he'd never gotten this far before, and soon if it kept up he will get there. to the place he's been studing for 3 years. to the digital world. unless of course, he was discovered.

"big brother?"


OOC: and there it is. hope it fits expectation. and for clarification, "(text)" means thought.

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Andrew:"there is somthing big diffrence between me and you. I was not chozen by the digital world. so you might have been chozen to do that but i was never. "


TriCardmon:"Andrew we are no longer welocme lets go. you to Egenmon "

on of the Scientist tried to go through the portal, but portal wouldnt let him.


Andrew:"you cant leave when your place to go back to is destroyed. that is waht the blue portal means. good by."

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