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Legend Zero

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Haruki:I have no hope for either of these groups

Coronamon:Thats why most of the Virus type digimon follow you

~Haruki gets the egg~

Haruki:welcome our new team member

~The egg hatches and changes to rookie form~


Haruki:A Lunamon huh...My name is Haruki

Lunamon:Good day Haru-kun

Haruki:Good day to you

~Haruki has a smile on his face as if the digimon is from a memory of a lover~


OOC: Please provide the entry form first....Oh Lunamon's Digivolution line and data are here http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexluna.shtml

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OOC:first we are in the middle of an RP which means you use OOC like I have for your talking Out Of Character.second


Your form should look like this Kinda


  'HarukoAdachi said:



Style of digidestined: partner/bio-merge

Digimon Partner:Coronamon(and Digivolution line)~http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexcorona.shtml~

Bio-merge Mega:MedievalDukemon~http://dma.wtw-x.net/dexmedievalduke.shtml


Bio:Haruki is a person who eccepts nobody in his life and always works alone' date='If he does get in a group he rises up to be leader.


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