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Guest Chaos Pudding

Monsters: 20


Level 5 and above: 4

3x Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon

1x Malevolent Mech - Goku En


Level 4 and below: 16

3x Zombie Master

3x Mezuki

2x Pyramid Turtle

2x Goblin Zombie

2x Marionette Mite

1x Paladin of the Cursed Dragon

1x Snipe Hunter

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior


Spells: 16

3x Allure of Darkness

3x Book of Life

2x Card of Safe Return

2x Zombie World

2x Creature Swap

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

1x Lightning Vortex


Traps: 4

2x Threatening Roar

1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute


Extra Deck: 15

3x Stardust Dragon

3x Goyo Guardian

3x Red Archfiend's Dragon

6x Filler


Side Deck: 15

3x Solemn Judgment

2x Exiled Force

2x Dust Tornado

2x Imperial Iron Wall

2x Light-Imprisoning Mirror

2x Prohibition

1x Threatening Roar

1x Burial from a Different Dimension

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Guest Chaos Pudding

roras belong in side deck


needs burial from the diff dimension


needs another turtle


also card trooper is nice in zombies


also 3 zombie world is obvious -.-'


Main'd Roars are sexy.

Burial is Sided.

2 Turtles are enough.

Trooper might be nice.

3 ZWorlds leads to dead draws.

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they may be sexy but you kno fine well they arnt needed unless your against glads

ah okay nvm thn

2 i guess soo...

yes yes it would be

and zombies have enough draw power to have 1 POSSIBLE dead card the whole deck hinges on zworld, you dont even have terraforming get 3 in this deck nao ;)

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Guest Chaos Pudding

they may be sexy but you kno fine well they arnt needed unless your against glads

and zombies have enough draw power to have 1 POSSIBLE dead card the whole deck hinges on zworld' date=' you dont even have terraforming get 3 in this deck nao ;)





Main Deck:


-2 Threatening Roar

+1 Zombie World



Side Deck:

-2 Exiled Force


+2 Roar

+1 Dust Tornado

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Guest Chaos Pudding

i tought i would see a "the world time stop" deck but this is zombies *sigh*


-3 i dunno probably 2 marionnette and something


+1 sangan

+1 dd crow

+1 ccv


No. Sangan can fit, but I'll never get CCV and I have no need for Crow, especially only 1 of them, and Mained, to boot. Plus, with the likely event that I'll have Zombie World out, or I'm playing a mirror match, the Mites = Brain Control minus the Life Point cost.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Caius is good in zombies' date=' id run that rather than DAD



I lol'd.

You have DADs but have no hope of getting Crush?


True. I might exchange the 2 DADs for a CCV.

Did the Zombie structure deck come out? If not JoC will hit you for Xander Clause on the cards from it (Zombie World and Zombie Dragon for example)


Considering the fact that everyone in this thread already knows the effects of the currently OCG-only cards that I have already included in this deck, I thought it unneeded to post links to the effects. I consider the Xander Clause to effect obscure OCG-only cards, and those OCG-only cards that do not currently have a TCG release date.

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DAD gives more advantage, but is rather unstable in a Zombie deck. Caius can almost always be summoned due to the vast amount of tribute foddering swarm, and is basically a one-shot dragon. Does he have a larger impact on the game each time he's summoned? No. Does he require less specialization of the deck and increase the deck's ability to solve problems as they come along? Yes. DAD is a win condition. Zombies already have their win condition, Caius is just there as a way to solve certain problems.


Don't exchange the DADs for Crush. DAD Synchro will probably be big, and that'll raise their price considerably. Also, CCV is still a highly likely target for Konami to ban next list, despite their stupidity at times.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

DAD gives more advantage' date=' but is rather unstable in a Zombie deck. Caius can almost always be summoned due to the vast amount of tribute foddering swarm, and is basically a one-shot dragon. Does he have a larger impact on the game each time he's summoned? No. Does he require less specialization of the deck and increase the deck's ability to solve problems as they come along? Yes. DAD is a win condition. Zombies already have their win condition, Caius is just there as a way to solve certain problems.


Don't exchange the DADs for Crush. DAD Synchro will probably be big, and that'll raise their price considerably. Also, CCV is still a highly likely target for Konami to ban next list, despite their stupidity at times.



Caius in Zombies? I suppose you forgot about Zombie World, then?

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