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2nd Pop Culture Cards: -ADDED DBZ and some more-


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This is my 2nd thread on Pop Culture Cards. I hope you like these like my 1st thread some weeks ago :D

I prefer old OCG.

Look to my signature to see the disclaimer of these cards.


I read Supreme Gamemaster's thread carefully and found a line that says that it is important, to give Pop Culture Cards an effect that are adapted to the their game, movie etc.





Info: Like already said, I looked to Supreme's thread: In the game the prince can stop the time, make it fast or slower, he has a influence for the time, thats why I gave him the effect to avoid all effects.


Card Text: You can negate the effect of Spell, Trap, and Monster Cards that designate this card by paying the half of your Life Points. You can activate this effect once per turn.




Info: Like above, I tried to make it like Supreme's tutorial. For the hulk I just gave the effect to be very strong.

Card Text: This card's effect can be activated only during your Standby Phase. Pay 1500 Life Points to increase the ATK of this monster by 1500 points until the End Phase of your turn. When this card is destroyed or removed from the field, you can add 1 Level 4 or lower Beast-Type monster from your Deck to your hand.




Info: The Ghost Rider... the movie was so cool. Well, I made him to a Burner Card.


Card Text: While this card is face-up on the field its Attribute is also treated as FIRE. Negate the effects of DARK and FIRE monsters that designate this card. When this card destroys a Level 5 or higher monster and sends it to the Graveyard as a result of battle, inflict 1200 damage to your opponent's Life Points. When this card is destroyed or removed from the field, you can pay 500 Life Points to destroy 1 face-down card on the field.




Info: He is a being that can remove anything from time and space. Maybe in real, he would be the strongest and most powerful game boss-enemy in history :D Hes overpowered I know.


Card Text: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 4 Fiend-Type monsters and removing all cards from your Graveyard from play. Destroy any amount of cards on field. You can activate this effect once, during your turn.




--I hope you will like these too--




Card Text: Discard 1 card from your hand. The ATK and DEF of 1 monster on the field becomes 500 until your next Standby Phase. When this card destroys a monster and sends it to the Graveyard as a result of battle, inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the Level of the destroyed monster x 500 points.




Info: I made him stronger than vegeta cause its fact that hes much stronger than Goku and Vegeta, but too bad that in every game, movie........etc. the weaker "good" ones win against the stronger "bad" ones.... I think you know what I mean.


Card Text: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned exept by Tributing 1 Level 5 or higher monster and sending 5 face-up Spell and/or Trap Cards you control to the Graveyard. Each time your opponent designates 1 card with the effect of a Spell, Trap or Monster Card, you can change the target.




Info: Everyone who knows the movie or the comic, knows what power he has (much stronger than superman, spiderman etc.)


Card Text: Increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 100 points for each Monster Card in your Graveyard. Each time your opponent activates 1 Spell or Trap Card, negate the effect and put the card on the top of your opponent's Deck.




Info: Everyone who knows fox, knows how fast he is....that's why I gave him the effect to attack twice and evading effects by paying life points.

Card Text: This monster can attack twice during the same Battle Phase. You can remove this card from play until the End Phase of this turn by paying 700 of your Life Points. You can only use this effect once per turn.

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Hmm... Your OCG needs fixing' date=' just a little though; a few mistakes here and there. For a level 8 monster, the Persian Prince has pretty low ATK don't you think? Plus, if he get's nuked a second time, he's done for. Is that how it is in the game?



No. If you dont find "Time Sand" his influence to change the time is gone. Between, if he would be alltime protected to all effects, that would be overpowered


And to my OCG..... My OCG cant have mistakes, cause I copied the text from many real cards. All texts of my cards exists somewhere in real, except I change the numbers or make an unique and new effect. The Hulk for examble got a changed effect from Injection Fairy and Dark Magician of Chaos, the Dark Prince got his effect from Blue Eyes Shining Dragon..........I have like 100 real cards saved, when i create a card i copy their effect, maybe you say that there are mistakes cause I take old cards. They are right, maybe old OCG isnt liked here ^^

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Hmm... Your OCG needs fixing' date=' just a little though; a few mistakes here and there. For a level 8 monster, the Persian Prince has pretty low ATK don't you think? Plus, if he get's nuked a second time, he's done for. Is that how it is in the game?



No. If you dont find "Time Sand" his influence to change the time is gone. Between, if he would be alltime protected to all effects, that would be overpowered


And to my OCG..... My OCG cant have mistakes, cause I copied the text from many real cards. All texts of my cards exists somewhere in real, except I change the numbers or make an unique and new effect. The Hulk for examble got a changed effect from Injection Fairy and Dark Magician of Chaos, the Dark Prince got his effect from Blue Eyes Shining Dragon..........I have like 100 real cards saved, when i create a card i copy their effect, maybe you say that there are mistakes cause I take old cards. They are right, maybe old OCG isnt liked here ^^


Even so... I still see some minor mistakes. Maybe I should point them out for you but not right now lol (sorry!)

P.S. Have you seen the new Prince of Persia game yet? I think it looks pretty cool because of that wizard chick. I've never liked it before to tell you the truth. :D

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