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I'm not paralyzed, but I seem to be struck by you...

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3|Darklord Zerato

3|Belial - Marquis of Darkness

3|Vice Dragon


1|Spirit Reaper

1|Snipe Hunter


3|Gravekeeper's Spy

3|Gravekeeper's Guard

2|Mask of Darkness




3|Allure of Darkness

1|Monster Reborn

1|Heavy Storm

1|Mystical Space Typhoon


1|Monster Gate




3|Solemn Judgment

1|Crush Card Virus

2|Trap of Darkness

1|Mirror Force

1|Torrential Tribute

1|Deck Devastation Virus

1|Eradicator Epedemic Virus

1|Trap Dustshoot

1|Mind Crush

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If I had to guess' date=' I would say Virus control, but I'm probably wrong.


If I'm right: interesting, maybe.... Just a feeling but, Caius?


If I'm wrong: explain please.



I don't see why I couldn't call it a Virus Control Deck.


Trap of Darkness can use the effect of any Virus card, so I shouldn't have any problems there.


Caius can't be Tributed for Eradicator Epedemic Virus, and I don't know what to take out for it.

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well if its virus control, I would say run Trap Reclamation.

you can chain it to the activation of any of the virus cards by discarding one card, and after the resolve of any of the virus cards, they will be sent to the Graveyard but because of Trap Reclamation's effect it just returns to your hand.


Otherwise think about making Some/All of these Changes:


-2 Mask of Darkness

-1 Mirror Force

-3 Gravekeeper's Spy

-3 Gravekeeper's Guard

-3 Belial - Marquis of Darkness

-3 Darklord Zerato

-1 Snipe Hunter

-1 Spirit Reaper


+3 Threatening Roar

+3 Trap Reclamation

+3 D-Hero Malicious

+3 Necro Gardna

+2 Light and Darkness Dragon

+3 Infernal Dragon

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