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An Idea for those who want thier decks fixed


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I was reading upon Tea.leaf's topic about how no one tries to fix each other's decks anymore. To fix this problem, I propose a solution.


It is called Fix for Fix. What this means is that if someone fixes your deck and they ask you to return the favor, you should. It would be optional, but it would be better if you returned the favor so more people would comment on your deck.


It gives people a reason to fix your deck, other than being nice or doing it for the post count or points. It also makes sure your deck will get looked at and be helped. However, you must provide content for your fix if your asking for them to take a look at your deck.. No saying "7/10 nice deck" and then asking for a quality fix.


Let me know what you think.

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@ Tea: That's only relevant if someone doesn't have enough decency to at least try suggesting some fixes. The idea would be for the community as a whole to care more about helping each other out than getting our own fixes, because then it condition's us to help everyone else, which includes others helping ourselves :D.


Plus, let's face it, not everyone here is a fantastic duelist. A good amount of us are not going to want to fix a deck that is beyond repair, especially, if given this standard, that the person who built that deck would be obliged to offer fixes for their deck, which really needs another "better" player's opinion to make their deck any better.


I say give it a go.

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I agree with this as well. If somebody says a deck is 7/10, they are implying that they personally know what to do in order to make it better! So if you honestly can't see ANYTHING wrong with a deck there's nothing wrong with saying that I guess, but yeah even if the author of the deck disagrees with you its worth trying to help anyway, because its all in good intention ^^

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