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Fortress Synchro. (DeeEhmYou!)


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Monsters: 23


Breaker x1

Comrade Swordsman of Landstar x2

Cyber Valley x3

Exiled Force x3

Giant Rat x3

Junk Synchron x2

Jutte Fighter x2

Marauding Captain x2

Plaguespreader x2

Quillbolt x3


Spells: 10

Foolish x2

Heavy x1

Reborn x1

MST x1

RotA x3

CoSR x2


Traps: 7

Royal Impregnable Fortress x3

Solemn Judgment x2

Threatening Roar x2


Extra Deck


Brionac x3

Goyo Guardian x3

Colossal Fighter x3


[spoiler=Xander Clause]













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Beating Star on DMu is like running in the special olympics. Even if you win your still retarded


Old jokes are old.


EDIT: But thanks for giving me a place to post this:


[spoiler=Fix 1]

-1 Marauding

+ 1 Quillbolt


-3 Hero Kid

+3 Giant Rat


-3 Stardust

+3 BRD



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' pid='1032124' dateline='1219861473']

Beating Star on DMu is like running in the special olympics. Even if you win your still retarded


Old jokes are old.

[spoiler=Unnecessarily Large Image]





I heard that "joke" a long, long time ago. I can still remember how it used to make me smile. And I knew if I had the chance, that I could make... nah, forget it.

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Thats a great deck, i was thinking of maybe 1-2 instant fusion and putting in low level fusions like Ojama Knight for Synchro speed but it would make the deck less predictable and would rise the deck total. I rate it 10/10. btw whats the website that you tested your deck on??

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Stardust Dragon?

Colossal Fighter?

Instant Fusion + appropriately leveled Fusions if the above 2 are added?

Maybe on Stardust/Colossal. Instant Fusion' date=' not as sure. 3 Quillbolts provide helluva swarm power, and considering that I'll also end up dumping a few Carriers, I'll always have a tuner.


Also: becasue You can: Junk Warrior.


Rather Goyo than Junk.


However, I do need to add CoSR. What to take out?

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