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Glad Beasts (IRL)

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Monsters: 19

2x Laquari

3x Test Tiger

1x Stratos

2x Prisma

1x Morphing Jar

1x Secutor

2x Darius

1x Sangan

1x Murmillo

3x Bestari

2x D.D. Crow


Spells: 11

1x Monster Reborn

1x Premature Burial

1x MST

2x Cold Wave

1x Storm

2x Book of Moon

2x RoTA

1x Glad Proving Ground


Traps: 10

3x Solemn

2x Waboku

2x Bottomless


1x Force


Extra Deck: 4

3x Gyzarus

1x Herk


Side: 15

2x Mind Control

2x Dark Panther

2x Rescue Cat

2x Shadow mirror

2x Light Mirror

2x LJM

3x Divine Wrath


Still need:

1x Test Tiger

2x Book of Moon

2x Prisma

1x Bottomless

1x Herk (waiting for TDGS SE)

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