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Uses the September 1st List.


Extra Deck: 3


3x Five-Headed Dragon


Monsters: 21


3x Red-Eyes B. Dragon

3x Dark Horus (in there until I can get 3 Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord)

2x Judgment Dragon

2x Prime Material Dragon

3x Masked Dragon

2x Exploder Dragon

2x Red-Eyes B. Chick

2x Phantom of Chaos

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior

1x Card Trooper


Spells: 17


3x Allure of Darkness

2x Trade-In

1x Card Destruction

1x Reasoning

1x Monster Gate

1x Future Fusion

3x Dragon's Mirror

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Monster Reborn


Traps: 4


1x Torrential Tribute

3x Karma Cut (Testing it and so far its been working pretty good. Also, in there until if I decide Solemn should be in here)


I dont have all those cards but, Im posting it within a realistic means so the cards that are next to impossible to get are not included and so I dont have to go through uneccessary stress to get all of them.

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It seems playable.. It would get a bunch of crud from other duelists at locals because it's red-eyes, then it would pwn them and red-eyes would be like 'I BREATH IN YO FACE!'


I would add in a solemn judgement.


Also, if your running a Red Eyes deck, wheres Darkness Dragon?

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Dont feel like I need Red-Eyes Darkness in here. Judgment Dragon is more versatile as I can use it as Phantom of Chaos food, Trade-In food and its a Fusion Material Monster in here. As for Solemn, Im not too sure about it. I know I could drop Karma Cut for it but Trunade, Heavy Storm and JD give the deck capacity to OTK and I dont think Solemn is too necessary in here although when against GB's it could be a different story as Heraklinos cant negate Counter Traps and it could serve as a way of eliminating Heraklinos. I dont really have to protect Future Fusion in here which is probably the only thing that I would need to protect with Solemn but the way the deck gets used, Future Fusion is more like 5 Foolish Burials for mass Dragon Dumpage for Dragon's Mirror or a field nuke with a JD fuelled PoC more than anything.


no no you didnt there is much better viable alternatives


There is? This isnt OCG if thats what youre thinking. If there are more viable TCG alternatives, post one.

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