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Xtreme Game Babes (DOA|??)_{[WARNIGN:PG-13 Imagery]}

Phantasy Dreamz

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Here i am trying to make Sexy Fighters into monsters... (yea i know.. wierd.. they are Sexy but they are Monsters)

Im starting this off with the Sexiest fighters (in my opinions), DOA (Dead Or Alive)

Moving on, im planing to make StreetFighter Babes next, then Tekken, then Darkstalker, then Fetal Fury, then so on and on...


Enough say....... i know you want to see the babes.. here they are:

[spoiler=[b]DOA Babes[/b]][align=center]









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hey leave them as sexy femme, coz if don't they will ruin ur card set, basically

coz i no u will make more cards QUOTE"Here i am trying to make Sexy Fighters into monsters."

and all the effects involving sexy femme will be ruined(NOOOOOOOOOO)

but 2 da point really gud cards 9.9/10


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It would be nice to see some actual drawings of the DOA sexies. ;) Hey there' date=' Phantasy, long time no see.



well..... alot of DOA pix i find cannot be used here*if you know what im saying*

btw, nice to see you again..... ^^


I know exactly what you mean. :) More ecchi-ness is a plus, can't wait to see more.

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It would be nice to see some actual drawings of the DOA sexies. ;) Hey there' date=' Phantasy, long time no see.



well..... alot of DOA pix i find cannot be used here*if you know what im saying*

btw, nice to see you again..... ^^


I know exactly what you mean. :) More ecchi-ness is a plus, can't wait to see more.


you see the "Sexy Rivalry Friendship" pix (look closely)......

yea, thats about the furtest i can go with ecchi.....

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It would be nice to see some actual drawings of the DOA sexies. ;) Hey there' date=' Phantasy, long time no see.



well..... alot of DOA pix i find cannot be used here*if you know what im saying*

btw, nice to see you again..... ^^


I know exactly what you mean. :) More ecchi-ness is a plus, can't wait to see more.


you see the "Sexy Rivalry Friendship" pix (look closely)......

yea, thats about the furtest i can go with ecchi.....


Of course, how could it go unnoticed? I wish they were topless! :)

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It would be nice to see some actual drawings of the DOA sexies. ;) Hey there' date=' Phantasy, long time no see.



well..... alot of DOA pix i find cannot be used here*if you know what im saying*

btw, nice to see you again..... ^^


I know exactly what you mean. :) More ecchi-ness is a plus, can't wait to see more.


you see the "Sexy Rivalry Friendship" pix (look closely)......

yea, thats about the furtest i can go with ecchi.....


Of course, how could it go unnoticed? I wish they were topless! :)


ninja femmes are always "extremly" hot...

anywe, stick around to see how hot other femme fighters can be........

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It would be nice to see some actual drawings of the DOA sexies. ;) Hey there' date=' Phantasy, long time no see.



well..... alot of DOA pix i find cannot be used here*if you know what im saying*

btw, nice to see you again..... ^^


I know exactly what you mean. :) More ecchi-ness is a plus, can't wait to see more.


you see the "Sexy Rivalry Friendship" pix (look closely)......

yea, thats about the furtest i can go with ecchi.....


Of course, how could it go unnoticed? I wish they were topless! :)


ninja femmes are always "extremly" hot...

anywe, stick around to see how hot other femme fighters can be........


That gave me shivers lol... I'll check again later for sure!

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