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Missing Posts


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There was a day last week where alot of members complained of lost posts' date=' screwed up threads and time errors, it is likly, due to a technical problem with the site, your posts were lost then, how to get them back, i havent the foggiest.



oh.. i sure know a way of how to get them back ... >_>

thanks for atleast posting i guess.

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The post count drop hit mostly older members, and they were all hit differently.


I lost like 200 posts.

Tkill lost like 15000.

Dragon Master, who joined a few days after me, lost like none.


The thing post people think caused this was that the serve was overloaded with to many people being on at once, that day their were like 3000 people on.


As of right now the only person who would have any idea as to how to get the posts back would be YCMaker.

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