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in this thread shall lie all the cards i have made on the YCM

some good some bad

but all thease cards are by me[/align]


[align=center][spoiler=The Choas Control Set]100289tt9.jpg

While this card is face up on the field you must pay 500 Life Points during each of your Standby Phases. If you cannot, destroy this card and inflict 50 points of Direct Damage to your Life Points. Once per turn, while your opponent controls 7 or more cards on the field, you can Select 2 Monster Cards on the field and Special Summon 1 Monster from your Deck or Graveyard with an ATK eqaul to or less than the combined ATK of the selected monsters. During each of your End Phases, flip a coin. If the result is heads, destroy 1 card on the field. If the result is tails, inflict 1000 points of Direct Damage to your Life Points.








This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set this card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 3 cards with "Choas Control" in their names from the Graveyard. This card cannot be destroyed as a resault of battle. Once per turn when both players have the same number of cards in their hands remove from play all cards on the field. When a monster removed from play by this effect is returned to the Deck inflict 3000 damage to your opponents Life Points.





[spoiler=Fire emblem march]100289bk4.jpg100289oq8.jpg100289eq5.jpg100289of3.jpg100289rl6.jpg100289vn4.jpg100289qa7.jpg100289fg4.jpg100289md7.jpg100289mw3.jpg100289qr3.jpg100289zb3.jpg100289he6.jpg100289it7.jpg100289gc3.jpg100289tq3.jpg100289ne5.jpg100289cy9.jpg100289kq3.jpg100289jj3.jpg100289mc9.jpg100289hc7.jpg100289fl7.jpg100289gc0.jpg100289ba2.jpg100289cf3.jpg100289un6.jpg100289nf1.jpg100289lx0.jpg100289fs8.jpg100289kh9.jpg100289mn1.jpg100289uu1.jpg100289og1.jpg100289id2.jpg100289vx3.jpg100289ey1.jpg100289zr1.jpg100289nw4.jpg100289th5.jpg100289kl3.jpg100289bs2.jpg


Asheras efect

This card cannot be Normal Sumonend or Set this card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 5 cards on your side of the field and by removing from play all spell and trap cards in your Graveyard from play. When this card is Special Summoned sucselfully Your opponent must Special Summon 5 cards from your graveyard, the monsters Special Summoned by this affect cannot change positians and cannot attack, monsters Special Summoned by this afect cannot be used as Tributes for a monster or be used to Specail Summon a monster. When a monster Special Summoned by this cards effect is destroyed as a resault of battle inflict dammage to your opponents Life Points equal to the attack of the destroyed monster.



[spoiler=OMB Oh My Bobobo]100289da9.jpg100289rz8.jpg100289fu9.jpg100289bw5.jpg100289nm8.jpg100289ai0.jpg100289rl1.jpg


[spoiler=Midnight hero's]100289mf4.jpg100289em5.jpg100289yu8.jpg100289qx2.jpg100289gl7.jpg100289hy3.jpg100289jx4.jpg100289an9.jpg100289tb8.jpg100289mj4.jpg100289ka3.jpg100289bj7.jpg







[spoiler=Fairy set]100289pb0.jpg100289sm6.jpg100289xs0.jpg100289cj7.jpg100289vb7.jpg100289pw2.jpg100289sj1.jpg


[spoiler=Others that arnt in sets...]100289ea4.jpg100289ph2.jpg100289gu6.jpg100289rp9.jpg100289uy3.jpg100289nt3.jpg100289mh1.jpg100289ec5.jpg100289co6.jpg100289yz5.jpg100289tn9.jpg


effect=This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set, the card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Heero Yuy". While this card is face up on the field by removing 1 card in your Graveyard from play destroy 1 Spell or Trap card on the field. For each card destroyed by this cards effect you can chose 1 card and the field and look at it if it is an effect monster flip it face up and increase the ATK of this card by 400. if the face down monster send it to the Graveyard. If there are no other cards on the field exept for this card you can Special Summon 2 cards from your Graveyard with "Gundam" in their names. If this card is destroyed as a resault of battle remove from play all cards in your Graveyard with "Gundam" in thier name from play. When this card is sent from the field to the graveyard as the resault of a card effect you can Special Summon 1 "Heero Yuy" from your =Graveyard in face up deffece position.




[spoiler=Link cards]100289sn3.jpg100289sj2.jpg100289bn7.jpg100289vk2.jpg100289pa8.jpg100289vw2.jpg100289wf3.jpg100289uy4.jpg100289nq1.jpg100289ti2.jpg100289gt9.jpg100289ia6.jpg100289gj1.jpg100289sc0.jpg100289jo0.jpg100289pr8.jpg





[spoiler=member cards that i have compleated.]100289bs9.jpg100289zb2.jpg100289ad7.jpg100289fi5.jpg100289ok2.jpg100289zq4.jpg100289np6.jpg100289zl6.jpg100289sk4.jpg100289pa3.jpg100289eo2.jpg100289jz9.jpg100289xv9.jpg100289vc6.jpg100289in4.jpg100289jv5.jpg100289zg3.jpg100289qc8.jpg100289dx3.jpg




More cards underway my Computers just acting realy laggy.[/align]

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