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I need help with my Yugi deck


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My deck is


Diffusion Wave Motion

Graceful Charity

Pot of Greed

Marshmallon Glasses

Black Luster Ritual

Change of Heart

Axe of Despair


Mystic Plasma Zone

Card Destruction



Miracle Restoring

Rope of Life

Dust Tornado

Magic Jammer

The Eye of Truth

Collected Power


Lightforce Sword

Magic Cylinder

Spellbinding Circle



Dark Paladin

Dark Magician

Dark Magician Girl

Buster Balder


Mystical Ef

Magician of Faith


Giant Soldier of Stone

Summoned Skull

Black Luster Soldier

Kings Knight

The 3 Magna Warriors ( Alpha, Beta, Gamma)

Gazzele the King of Mystcal Beasts

Neo the Magic Swordsman

Curse of Dragon

Obnoxious Celtic Guardian



I also have Slifer the Sky Dragon in there too ( I dont play in tounements often) please help customize this deck better with me name some cards yugi uses and if i have them ill change my cards around (i only use cards Yugi uses in the whole anime heres all of the:



The cards he used from the beginning


* Alpha The Magnet Warrior

* Anthrosaurus

* Basic Insect

* Beaver Warrior

* Beta The Magnet Warrior

* Blackland Fire Dragon

* Celtic Guardian

* Claw Reacher

* Curse of Dragon

* Dark Magician

* Feral Imp

* Flying Kamakiri #2

* Gaia The Fierce Knight

* Gamma The Magnet Warrior

* Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts

* Giant Soldier of Stone

* Griffore

* Happy Lover

* Horn Imp

* Jack's Knight

* Koumori Dragon

* Lady of Faith

* Left Arm of the Forbidden One

* Left Leg of the Forbidden One

* Mammoth Graveyard

* Meotoko

* Mushroom Man

* Mystical Elf

* Queen's Knight

* Right Arm of the Forbidden One

* Right Leg of the Forbidden One

* Rock Ogre Grotto 1

* Rude Kaiser

* Silver Fang

* Summoned Skull

* Torike

* Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1

* Zombie Warrior


Effect Monsters


* 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom

* Archfiend of Gilfer

* Berfomet

* Big Shield Gardna

* Breaker the Magical Warrior

* Buster Blader

* Catapult Turtle

* Dark Magician Girl

* Dark Magician Knight

* Dark Sage

* Des Volstgalph

* Electromagnetic Turtle

* Exodia the Forbidden One

* King's Knight

* Kiseitai

* Kuriba

* Kuribabylon

* Kuribandit

* Kuribe

* Kuribi

* Kuriboh

* Kuribu

* Legendary Knight Critias

* Legendary Knight Hermos

* Legendary Knight Timaeus

* Magician of Faith

* Magician's Valkyria

* Maha Vailo

* Mirage Knight

* Obnoxious Celtic Guardian

* Old Vindictive Magician

* Royal Straight Slasher

* Sangan

* Skilled Dark Magician

* Sorcerer of Dark Magic

* Strike Ninja

* Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight

* The Rock Spirit

* The Tricky

* Valkyrion the Magna Warrior

* Watapon


Fusion Monsters


* Amulet Dragon

* B. Skull Dragon

* Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast

* Dark Flare Knight

* Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight

* Dark Paladin

* Dragon Master Knight

* Gaia the Dragon Champion

* Knight of Destiny

* The Creator God of Light Horakhty

Ritual Monsters


* Black Luster Soldier

* Magician of Black Chaos


Divine Monsters


* Obelisk the Tormentor

* Slifer the Sky Dragon

* The Winged Dragon of Ra






* Altar of Restoration

* Awakening from Beyond

* Berserker Soul

* Black Luster Ritual

* Book of Secret Arts

* Bounce (Spell Card)

* Brain Control

* Brave Attack

* Breath of Light

* Burning Land

* Card Destruction

* Card of Sanctity

* Change of Heart

* Dark Hole

* Dark Magic Curtain

* Dark Magic Ritual

* Dark Spear

* De-Fusion

* De-Spell

* Diffusion Wave-Motion

* Double Spell

* Emblem of Dragon Destroyer

* Emergency Provisions

* Excalibur

* Exchange

* Exile of the Wicked

* Fiend's Sanctuary

* Fissure

* Five Star Twilight

* Full Moon

* Goddess Bow

* Graceful Charity

* Hand Control

* Heart of the Underdog

* Heavy Storm

* Horn of the Unicorn

* Legend of Heart

* Living Arrow

* Mage Power

* Magical Academy

* Magical Dimension

* Magic Formula

* Magical Hats

* Magical Pigeon

* Magicians Unite

* Makiu

* Monster Reborn

* Monster Recovery

* Monster Reincarnation

* Monster Replace

* Multiply

* Mystic Box

* Mystical Space Typhoon

* Necromancy

* Polymerization

* Pot of Greed

* Premature Burial

* Pump Up

* Quick Attack

* Ragnarok

* Rainbow Blessing

* Rebellion

* Royal Straight

* Sage's Stone

* Soul Release

* Soul Taker

* Spell Textbook

* Spider Web

* Swords of Revealing Light

* The Eye of Timaeus

* The Shallow Grave

* Thousand Knives

* Time Travel

* Tricky's Spell 4

* Underworld Circle





* Ambush Shield

* Chain Destruction

* Collected Power

* Dark Illusion

* Dark Magic Retribution

* Dark Renewal

* Disgraceful Charity

* Divine Wind

* Dust Tornado

* Horn of Heaven

* Life Shaver

* Light of Intervention

* Lightforce Sword

* Magic Cylinder

* Magician's Circle

* Magician's Selection

* Meteorain

* Mirror Force

* Mystical Refpanel

* Natural Selection

* Nutrient Z

* Reduction Barrier

* Relay Soul

* Reverse of Reverse

* Rope of Life

* Seven Tools of the Bandit

* Soul Rope

* Soul Shield

* Spellbinding Circle

* Summoning Clock

* The Eye of Truth

* The Regulation of Tribe

* Time Seal

* Zero Gravity

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