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Phantasy Dreamz

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*As the Thread Title says so, this contest will end within 24 hrs, OR when i get my 5 contestants..::..


*If you reserved but has not post your card with in the last Hour of the contest, you are DESQUALIFY..::..


*These 1 Day Contest will ALWAYS allow only 1 card. The Theme for today's contest is Trap Monster. Make a Trap Card that turns into a monster(token). EX: "Metal Reflect Slime", "Zoma the Spirit", etc.


*I will judge on Creativity|Balance|Pix. Just at least try to get easy OCG errors such caps and spelling correct.


*Entrance Fee is 10 points. This will be added to the Prizes..::..


*Prizes....... well since this contest only last for 1 day, i will only have 1 winner and the reward will be 1 +Rep and 80% of the Points (20% of the points goes to me). Sounds fair enough?? It is to me..::..


[align=center].::.Good Luck to All..::..



Skylarman1 (awaiting card/fee)

DeMeNTeD (clear)

Silent Hunter (clear)

magno (clear)

~Spirit of Touma~ (clear)


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Entry Reserved :D

EDIT: I already gave the points so i'll try to win part III (because i might not be here on part IV) so heres my Trap Monster Card


[align=center]Dark Battle Orc Absorber


This card can only be activated, when a Level 5 or higher Zombie-Type monster you control is destroyed. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, increase the ATK of all Zombie-Type monster you control by 300. When a Zombie-Type monster you control is destroyed by battle, you can discard 2 card to destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field. If this card was face-up on the field for 4 Turns, you can Release 1 Level 4 or higher Zombie-Type monster you control and remove at least 1 "Dark Hole", "Trap Hole", "Bottomless Trap Hole", "Acid Trap Hole", or "D.D. Trap Hole" in your Graveyard from play, and Special Summon this card in Attack Position; it is treated as an Effect Monster Card (Zombie-Type/DARK/Level 4/ATK 0/DEF 2500). When this card is selected as an attack target, increase its ATK by its DEF until the end of your next turn. When this card is destroyed, destroy all Zombie-Type monsters you control and destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on the field.


Disclaimer: I do not own the artwork of my card

Expert OCG was used like Release-Tribute

My Card is a Trap Monster Card

Hope Ya Like It

:D :) :mrgreen: ^_^ XD

~ Silent Hunter™

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entery reserved






Discard 1 drak Monster to activate one of the following:

Summon 1 dark FIEND type monster from your deck to the field.

Summon 1 dark Dragon from your deck to the field.

Destroy all light monsters on the field that are in attack mode.

once this card has been activated both players take damege to one random monster in your graveyard.Yubel cannoot be destroyed in battle.All dark lv2 FIEND types gain 1200 atack and 1000 def.



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Touma's spirit will enter.





You can only activate this card during a Main Phase. After activation, this card is treated as an Effect Monster Card (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 1/ATK 100/DEF 1900), and is Special Summoned to your Monster Card Zone. (This card is also still treated as a Trap Card.) You can skip your Battle Phase this turn. If you do so, inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent. When this card is selected as a target of a Spell Card that targets DARK monsters, you can draw 2 cards and discard 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard.
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Its time to judge............................

and the winner is............. well first i gotta to say, all that has post got the wrong idea about this contest....... all but Tuoma.......

so i declare Spirit of Tuoma the winner......

thanks for entering my contest..

*Please check in for my next contest*

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