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all my dragon card~check it out please~


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here are all my dragon type monster i have made so far

i think i should call my list of cards "rare genocide"


















tartarus,the demonic king of dragons:this card can be Normal summoned if there are 4 or more dragon-type monsters on the field.if this card is normal summoned or set,special summoned or set you can active 1 of the 2 following effects:

-if this card is normal summoned or special summoned you can draw 2 cards,if the two cards are dragon-type monsters you can increase your lifepoints with 1000.

-if this card is normal summoned or special summoned you can select 2 cards from your opponent's Hand and remove them from play.


yoius,furious commander of dragonsky:This card can be normal summoned.if this card is normal summoned you can activate the two following effects:

-If this card is normal summoned you can draw 3 cards,if 1 or more are Dragon-type monster cards you can place them in face-up attack position.

-If this card is normal summon,decrease your lifepoints by 1000.

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I think the pictures are awsome' date=' but there are some OCG errors,



Special summon should be Special Summon

Dragon-type should be Dragon-Type





well,in the OCG and grammar thread from dj osiris stood Dragon-type.so i guess it's normal that i'm wrong.

I think the pictures are awsome' date=' but there are some OCG errors,



Special summon should be Special Summon

Dragon-type should be Dragon-Type





you a fan of buster blader?

well dragon blader knight is a take-off from that card...you know buster blader....the one yugioh used to destroy slifer you know with that mime guy who was brainwashed by marik?

1st pic is overused.

Or so I believe..



OCG needs work.


really i haven't seen a single guy use that picture since i'm on this site

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you could say I'm a fan' date=' I just think its a really cool picture though, and ya I can see how your Dragon Blader Knight is similar to Buster Blader, just a bit more powerful I think.



so you like my dragon blader knight?

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Looks like you needs alot of help.


-All the pics you have there have been use before, many times, people hate seening the same pic again and again. Things like this will lower your rating.

-You OCG is really bad, i'm sorry to say, for more help, visit the OCG grammer thread for help because people like me hate seeing bad OCG.

-Most of the effects are very simple and basic. That will never interest any one. To do that you need origanality. Try to think of somthing origanal, that will boost your ratings.


They need alot of work done before there good, but I think you can get there, just keep trying to improve and put more effort into your work.


I almost forgot my rating:


Spire's Rating: 4.5/10.

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dude like i can find a picture that no-one has ever used?

and dude maybe they just found the same picture after me!

sh*t happens!

Looks like you needs alot of help.


-All the pics you have there have been use before' date=' many times, people hate seening the same pic again and again. Things like this will lower your rating.

-You OCG is really bad, i'm sorry to say, for more help, visit the OCG grammer thread for help because people like me hate seeing bad OCG.

-Most of the effects are very simple and basic. That will never interest any one. To do that you need origanality. Try to think of somthing origanal, that will boost your ratings.


They need alot of work done before there good, but I think you can get there, just keep trying to improve and put more effort into your work.


I almost forgot my rating:


Spire's Rating: 4.5/10.



if you don't like it then buzz off!

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