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Divine Neos deck

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Divine Neos is coming out in CSOC, so I figured I might as well make a deck out of him.



3 EH Divine Neos



3 EH Wildheart

1 EH Stratos

3 EH Voltic

3 EH Heat

3 EvH Malicious Edge

3 EH Neos

3 NS Flare Scarab



3 Miracle Fusion

1 Future Fusion

3 Fusion Gate

3 Emergency Call

3 Righteous Justice

1 Monster Reborn



3 Dark Bribe

3 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Mirror Force

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EDIT: Even if you did have "Neos" monsters' date=' Fusion Gate? Do you really expect to have Fusion Gate AND [i']six[/i] appropriate monsters in your control at the same time?


Yes. And it seems you haven't read the effect either. It's 1 Neos, 1 NS and 1 EH or DH or EvH (of your choice). So you don't fuse 6 monsters, but 3. You can choose either an EH, DH or EvH to fuse for Divine Neos.


PS ^Deck Edit^

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If you actually read the bloody card' date=' you'll see that you need 6 Fusion Materials. The phrase "[i']The Fusion Material Monsters for this card are any 6 "Neos", "Neo-Spacian", "Elemental Hero", "Destiny Hero" or "Evil Hero" monsters[/i]" should make that clear to anyone who has passed third grade. The qualifier "with a minimum of 1 "Neos", 1 "Neo-Spacian" and 1 "Elemental Hero", "Destiny Hero" or "Evil Hero" required" is there to make sure that the six Fusion Matierial Monsters include at least one monster from each of the three categories; it is NOT there to give you an optional way of summoning God Neos with only three Fusion Material Monsters.

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Obviously you are not reading it right... "with a minimum of 1 Neos, 1 Neos-Spacian and 1 Elemental Hero, Destiny Hero OR Evil Hero". What part of "OR" don't you get?


You can go by 3 ways:




Elemental Hero






Destiny Hero






Evil Hero


When it comes out in TCG, UDE will probably change the text to something like this:


1 "Neos" monster + 1 "Neo-Spacian" monster + 1 "Elemental Hero", "Destiny Hero" or "Evil Hero" monster

Once per turn, by removing from play 1 "Neos", "Neo-Spacian", "Elemental Hero", "Destiny Hero" or "Evil Hero" monster in your Graveyard, this card gains 500 ATK, and gains the removed card's effect until the end of the turn.


The reason why one of the Materials is a "Neos" monster is bc you can use Neo Space Pathfinder as a Neos material.

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When it comes out in TCG' date=' UDE will probably change the text to something like this:


1 "Neos" monster + 1 "Neo-Spacian" monster + 1 "Elemental Hero", "Destiny Hero" or "Evil Hero" monster

Once per turn, by removing from play 1 "Neos", "Neo-Spacian", "Elemental Hero", "Destiny Hero" or "Evil Hero" monster in your Graveyard, this card gains 500 ATK, and gains the removed card's effect until the end of the turn.



Of course, because UDE's major concern is pleasing you.

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