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Marvel The Avengers contest(closed i got 6 people)


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This contest is to become a part of my new ymc organization

The avengers

the rulze

all you have to do is make a card of your favorite avenger if you pass i will give you an avenger name if you want to be any specific avenger request it when you post your entry.



i will rate cards on a scale of 1-10 if you get below a 5 you will not be accepted into the organization

here is a rubric

4/10 points is ocg

2/10 points is picture

3/10 points is if your card has fair attack defence and effect

1/10 if i like it

if u get a 10/10 you get 1+rep

i will also give you a rank of


True avenger-10/10 points

super hero-8-9/10 points

hero6-7/10 points

novice5/10 points


it ends when i have 6 members

there will be other chances to enter

also i will notify all avengers of events


1.devo20(me)-iron man


3.jamief- captain america




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