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Dark Synchro Version 1.....


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This is just a little test deck that im thinking off making, but i didnt really know what cards would really fit.


Synchro: 8

x1 SDD

x3 Thought Ruler Archfiend

x2 Junk Warrior

x2 Colossal Fighter


Fusions: 7

x1 EH Plasma Vice

x1 EH Wildedge

x2 EvH Malicious Fiend

x1 EvH Lightning Golem

x1 Ojama Knight

x1 Kalbonala Warrior


Monsters: 24

x1 EH Stratos

x2 EH Prisma

x2 EH Sparkman

x2 EH Clayman

x2 EH Wildheart

x1 EH Bladedge

x2 EvH Malicious Edge

x1 Dark Lucius LV 4

x1 Dark Lucius LV 6

x2 Dark Lucius LV 8

x2 Junk Synchron

x2 Counselor Lily

x1 DH - Defender

x1 Quillbolt Hedgehog / Nitro Synchron

x2 Speed Warrior / Magna Drago


Spells: 17

x2 Dark Calling

x2 Miracle Fusion

x1 Lightning Vortex

x1 Heavy Storm

x1 MST

x2 The Warrior Returning Alive

x1 Monster Reborn

x1 Premature Burial

x1 Synchro Wave Blast

x1 Synchro Boost

x1 Burial from a Different Dimension

x2 Instant Fusion

x1 Axe of Dispair



Traps: 3

x1 Threatening Roar

x2 Scrap Iron Scarecrow


Total Deck: 44

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Here's my advise on Synchro decks. In order to instantly get a tuner in your hand, use 8 tuners. 4-5 should be Lv3 and 3-4 should be Lv2. The best way to instantly get a Synchro REALLY fast, is to use Instant Fusion (CDIP, common). Use also Lv 4-5 Fusions. The rest should be free for all.


Oh and get 2 more SDD's.

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