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Create-A-Plant-Deck Contest! Good prizes!


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This is my second contest and this time you have to create a deck!


In this contest, you have to create a whole deck based around plant monsters.

It doesn't have to be filled with plants like the structure decks, it may have just one plant monster that the whole deck revolves around.[/align]



  1. No spamming!
  2. No created or fake cards.
  3. The Deck you make must be posted up in this thread.
  4. THe deck you make must be between 40 - 50 cards, no higher.
  5. Say what the plan of the deck is and how you would intend to win duels with it.
  6. If you don't win, don't whine.
  7. Last but not least, answer this question: "What is your favourite card from TAEV?" by posting it at the top of your post, bold and underlined, to show that you have read these rules.
  8. Ooh, I almost forgot. HAVE FUN!!! And. BE CREATIVE!!!




1st Place - 50 points and two reps!

2nd Place - 25 points and a rep!

3rd Place - 10 points and a rep![/align]


Contest ends in two weeks!


[align=center]So, what are you waiting for?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Rainbow dragon

Well i made a deck based in the botanical lion card



3x botanical lion

1x dandelion

2x zaborg the thunder monarch

2x mobius the frost monarch

1x spirit reaper

1x marshmallow

1x sangan

1x twin headed behemoth

2x d-hero defender

1x jinzo

2x cyber dragon

2x raiza the storm monarch

3x a cat III omen



3x dna surgery

1 or 2x royal decree

1x mirror force

1x magic cylinder

3X threatering roar

1 or 2x sakuretsu armor

call of hunted

3x embodiemnt of apophis



1x lightning vortex

1x folish burial

1x premature burial

1x magical mallet

1 x pot of avarice

2x scroll bewitchment

1x book of moon

1 swords of reaveling lights

1x smashing ground

1x mystical space typhoon

1x scape goat

1x united we stand


well I do in this deck really quick so it must have cards default, but basically the strategy are boost botanical lion, he gains 300 for each plant card, soh you need to usa dna surgery, and cat III omen help to push this trap, so if all mosnters are are plant botanical will gain a really good boost, but the plant type sure sucks, soh a based monarch deck with dandelion and folish burial, or the apophis for easy tribute summon can hold time until botanical combo reaches your hand, also this deck have monsters to hold the game until te botanical combo apears ^^

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3x Fairy King Truesdale

3x Lord Poison

1x Dandelion

3x Rafflesia Seduction

3x Homunculus the Alchemic Being

3x Vampire Orchis

2x Des Dendle

1x Arcane Archer of the Forest

1x Marshmallon

2x D-Hero Defender

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior


Spell Cards

1x Premature Burial

1x Forest

1x Smashing Ground

1x Serial Spell

1x Soul Exchange

1x Scapegoat

1x Change of Heart

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Heavy Storm

1x Snatch Steal

2x Book of Moon

1x Nobleman of Crossout

1x Pot of Greed

1x Swords of Revealing Light



3x Embodiemnt of Apophis

1x Mirror Force

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Trap Hole

3x Sakuretsu Armor

1x Call of the Haunted

1x Dust Tornado

1x Spell Shield Type-8

1x Ring of Destruction


This deck's purpose is summoning the Fairy King Truesdales, so you can leave 1 in attack position and at least 1 in defense position.

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Rainbow Dragon Ghost Rare is my fav


My Entry:

3 Cyber Dragon

3 Des Dendle

1 Fairy King Truesdale

3 Homunculus the Alchemic Being

2 Lekunga

3 Lord Poison

3 Rafflesia Seduction

3 Vampire Orchis


3 Axe of Despair

2 Big Bang Shot

1 Megamorph

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Nobleman of Crossout

1 Polymerization

1 Premature Burial

3 Rod of Silence - Kay'est

1 Snatch Steal

1 United We Stand


1 Ring of Destruction

3 Royal Decree


Description:This Deck is basically constructed around swarming your field with powered up monsters and crush your opponent's monsters while using truesdale's effect to increase your monster's atk even more. Lekunga's effect in combination with homnculus' allows you to swarm the field and power up homunculus for every plant removed. Finally you use decree in order not to be stopped at any time

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