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[Dino Power] {Needs a Fix-Up}


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Ok, Listen up. This is my Second time posting a deck. The first time, eh.. I didn't do so well. But that deck is fixed up and rapes everything now, so I'm not too worried about it. THIS Deck However, is a bit on the downside. I seriously need help with this one. So please, DON'T Post anything like 'you phailz at this game go playz pokemonz' or 'horrible deck is horrible'. Just post helpful stuff guys. I beg of you. This deck was made out of cards I have, so just bear with me. This deck is based around swarming the field with high-leveld monsters, and it's basicly a Dino because it's mostly dinos, there are some others like Tyrant Dragon, because it's a good swarm card that can attack in the same battle phase.


NOTE: This deck was made with the September 1st Ban List.




1x Super Conductor Tyrano

1x Ultimate Tyrano

1x Black Tyrano

1x The Creator

1x Breaker

1x Morphing Jar

1x Exiled Force

2x Gilasaurus

1x Tyrano Infinity

2x Sabersaurus

1x Black Veloci

2x Babycerasaurus

1x Gigantes

1x Black Stego

1x Mircale Jurassic Egg




1x MST

1x Terraforming

1x Tail Swipe

1x Heavy Storm

1x Swords of Reavling Light

1x Megamorph

1x Monster Reborn

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Soul Exchange

1x Brain Control

2x Jurrasic World




1x Volcanic Eruption

1x Seven Tools

1x TT

1x Hunting Instinct

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device

1x Fossil Excavation

1x Survival Instinct

1x Seismic Shockwave

1x Ultimate Offering

1x Gravity Bind

1x Mirror Force






1x Big Evoloution Pill

1x Trap Jammer

1x Dust Tornado




Please Help me Fix this up before my Locals.. I beg of you all. I know it's bad, I know it's horrible, and in your book it's probably not worth it.. but.. I do NOT want to keep bringing the same deck to my locals and beat everybody with it because it's boring. =/


So Please, Help me Fix it up!

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Ok, edits made. I took out the 2x Flame Sprites.


Anything else? I'm thinking about taking out the Mausoleom for another Jurrasic World, and then taking out Tyrant, Goryu, Gilford, and Herald. Creator stays in for Swarm Effects.


What do you guys think?

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Ok I shook it down to 45 cards. New Edits:


• I took out Trade In.

• I took out Masoleum and added in another Jurasic World

• I took out Gilford, Spear Cretin, 1 Raging Flame Sprite, Tyrant Dragon, and Goryu.


Ok, 2 things:


• What should I replace Seven Tools with

• What can I use in subsitution of the Mind Crushes?

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This variant will work a lot better


3 Ultimate Tyranno

2 Dark Driceratops

3 Destroyersaurus

3 Hydrogeddon

3 Hyper Hammerhead


Morphing Jar

Exiled Force




3 Jurassic World

2 Big Evo Pill



Smashing Ground


Nobleman of Crossout

Brain Control

Swords of Revealing Light

Monster Reborn

Book of Moon



2 Hunting Instinct

Mirror Force


2 Bottomless Trap Hole

2 Sak Armor

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