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[DISC] Anti-Aircraft Flower

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If it was Plant or Insect' date=' then it could be used in Gigaplant OTK.



Yeah but even if you do use that, it still fails miserably with 0 ATK and only 1600 DEF.


If it had an extra 300 or 400 DEF, or a decent ATK, it could be runable in Gigaplant.

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Guest PikaPerson01

I know Mass Driver is better' date=' but if you don't have it, and you had this card with that effect, it would work.



Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD.

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Guest PikaPerson01

I meant they need to make it for its own type xP


On a random note' date=' how does this make sense for a Psychic Tuner Extra-deck?

Extra Deck: 15

3 Stardust Dragon

3 Thought Ruler Archfiend

3 Magical Android

3 Goyo Guardian

1 [b']Gladiator Beast Gyzarus[/b]

2 Red Dragon Archfiend


If you're trying to put extra emphasis on Gyzarus and want validation or whatever on your choice, I guess yeah, it could work. Monster Reborn is still around, and with less "good" targets, you could bring back Beasitari. And many people still main Brain Control. Tag out your opponents Glad's, and SS Gyzarus. Not completely impossible, but a move that'll come up so rarely you may forget you have the opportunity to pull it off.

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Guest PikaPerson01

I said how' date=' not does it xD


It seems like a waste of time in my opinion.



My mistake.


In any case, it's not like we have too many good options with Synchros anyway, and you could always have the option of tagging Gyzarus in, if you happen to have the necessary limited cards in hand. It's not like it hurts you or anything, and it's not like their are currently any better options.

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