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Daily dose of Pojo Lulz

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Copypasta'd from Gaia's copypasta of Pojo, deleted all the unimportant quotes.


You're against ripping? And you were de-modded for it?


Tell me your story' date=' brave one.[/quote']


Its funny, now that I look back on it. I was modded for flaming people, and demodded for being honest. Welcome to Pojo.


So anyway, awhile back Ally and Fates were busted for "ripping rippers" aka offering trades with people they were sure were rippers coming back on new accounts and banning them once they were sure the stuff was on the way. They swear that it was "to get back stuff for people", but there are some chat documents floating around that say otherwise. Anyway, Pojo decided to reduce them both from supermods to just moderators for their actions.


In case you missed the joke, I'll restate it: for ripping people off, they lost a few privileges.


Ally lied throughout the whole discussion, while Fates admitted to it immediately. Afterwords, though, it Fates started crying about his reputation being in jeopardy because he wasn't a supermod anymore and he didn't want people to lose their trust in him (y'know, for ripping people). He whined enough that Pojo reinstated him as a supermod after about a day.


So lemme rephrase that joke: for ripping people off, they got off scott free.


A few of us moderators felt it was bullshit. Compaqmac quit completely and gave his account away, while Ryu Juini and I continued to point out the idiocy of what just occurred. In the end, Pojo himself decided he'd rather have rippers as moderators than honest users, so Ryu and I were demodded. I know we weren't the only ones who were against what happened, but Ryu is the only one I chat with offsite so his fate is the only one I know for certain.


So yeah, there you go. The two highest reffed users and biggest mods on Pojo ripped users off, and the people who took up against it were booted. I love this site. ^.^ I figured my time was coming, so I went through and saved all of the interesting conversations that occurred in the Moderator Forum before I was demodded. Not sure what to do with them yet. >.>




Also, this might be in the wrong section since it has nothing to do with the TCG, for something that has to do with the TCG:


The newest SD is gonna be the best one so far, yes or no?

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I don't speak Pojo. What's a "ripper"?


"ripper"... i guess how they call people who ask for trades to other users and they don't send their part of the trade... wasn't an article here about that??



anyway, the funny thing is how they talk about pojo as a person, not as a site with several people "working" on it...

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I don't speak Pojo. What's a "ripper"?


"ripper"... i guess how they call people who ask for trades to other users and they don't send their part of the trade... wasn't an article here about that??



anyway' date=' the funny thing is how they talk about pojo as a person, not as a site with several people "working" on it...



Rippers have to be RETARDED to trade with GMODs. You're supposed to send them porn via pm after you've gotten your free Allures and Zerato, so that you're already banned before you're brought into question.


And it's only "bad" if you're on the bad end of it, like God Kaze sending his D draw to Chaoserver. ;)

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