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Simochi Skill


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Monsters: (18 Total)


Stray Asmodian x2

Cyber Dragon x2

Chainsaw Insect x2

Goblin Elite Attack Force x2

Goblin Attack Force x1

Fusilier Dragon, The Dual-Mode Beast x2

Sangan x1

Newdoria x1

Toon Goblin Attack Force x2

Nimble Momonga x3


Spells: (12 Total)


Toon Table of Contents x3

Upstart Goblin x2

Swords of Revealing Light x1

Rain of Mercy x2

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Soul Taker x1

My Body As a Shield x1

Lightning Vortex x1


Traps: (10 Total)


Bad Reaction to Simochi x3

Skill Drain x3

The Eye of Truth x1

Dark Bribe x2

Mirror Force x1


Total = 40 Cards


As you can probably guess, the two main cards in this deck are Bad Reaction to Simochi and Skill Drain. Simochi lets me use magic cards like Rain of Mercy and Soul Taker to inflict direct damage, and Skill Drain negates the bad effects monsters like Goblin Attack Force have.



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