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Deity Mitsu

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Show your creativity!Entrys can be reserved.Prizes first,as always:

1st-3 Reps and 30 Points

2nd-2 Reps and 20 Points

3rd-1 Rep and 10 Points

Runner-Up-10 Points


-The image on the card can be anything you want...but the person/beast/topic of the card,MUST be blindfolded. I dunno...everything looks cool blindfolded :P.

-The card(s) must have good images

-The card(s) must be well balanced(Not overpowered).

-If I find cards that already have images that Ive seen before,they will still be evaluated as equally as the others.

-No excessive language on the card.

-No pornographic images.



So theres the rules.Have fun,and participate the best you can!

(If you'd like,you can take a look at my created Deck "Union of the Angels".It should still be up in the "Finished Sets" forum.

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Aww darn, just designed a blind-folded assassin.. Don't feel like making another blind-folded character though. Oh and by the way, careful because IRG might close this since you can only have running contest at a time. Might still enter though, but probably won't be able to make an original image for this one~


*EDIT* Sorry just realized you already closed your other contest. My bad~ Good job adhering to rules!

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