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Malicious Cycle Reborn (Old deck reinvisioned in a new format)

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My Malicious Cycle deck. Made it a while back, and now with PTDN and malicious at 3, I can use it once more. Necroface is still at 2, but who cares.


Monsters: 20

2x DAD

3x Plasma

1x Darklord

2x Gandora


3x Malicious


2x Armageddon Knight

2x Necroface

1x Stratos

1x Breaker

1x Snipe

1x Sangan

1x PoC


Spells: 19

3x Trade-In

3x D-Draw

3x Allure

3x Soul Release

3x Dark Eruption

1x Storm

1x Trunade

1x MST

1x Reborn


Traps: 3

1x MF

1x TT

1x CCV


Total of 42, Gandora

Any fixes or suggestions, post 'em.


Deck's mainly about infinite field prescense by recyccling Maliciouses with Necroface, among other cards removed by Allure, DAD, PoC, Soul Release, opponent's card effects. Works well, and has decent speed.

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