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Power Pack 2.0,for those who remember.


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Caius the Shadow Monarch

Raiza the Storm Monarch

Kuraz the Light Monarch

Evil Hero Malicious Edge

Dark Ruler Ha Des

Destiny Hero - Dasher

Cannon Soldier MK-2

Chainsaw Insect

Dark Valkyria

Dark Valkyria




Mirage Dragon

Blazewing Butterfly

Twin-Headed Behemoth




Treeborn Frog

Grave Squirmer

The Calculator



Soul Exchange

Monster Gate

Heavy Storm

Smashing Ground

Cup of Ace

Swords of Revealing Light

Mystical Space Typhoon

Emergency Provisions

Burden of the Mighty

Domino Effect

Ribbon of Rebirth

Mausoleum of the Emperor



Magic Cylinder

Dust Tornado

Sinister Seeds

Zoma the Spirit

Ultimate Offering

Negate Attack

Magic Jammer



there it is.my revised version of my crappy Power Pack.the most change is seen in the monster lineup.ill explain a few of my personal touches:


Cannon Soldier MK-2:I generally amass a good few monsters,so why not use em?this way,i can burn a heck of a lot of points from my opponent.


Blazewing Butterfly:This is in here for my Valkyrias.i now have effectively added another valkyria without actually getting one.if i get other gemini's,like Goggle Golem,they might go in as well.


Gilasaurus:Tribute food.pure and simple.


Gyroid:once-per-turn bttle immunity?me likey.i get to keep one more monster than normal,as they'll have to use another monster to get rid of it.


a Spell change,for once,Domino Effect:This is in here for mostly the same reason as C.S. MK-2;you'll end up with lotsa monsters-why not use em?great for smashing annoying monsters like JD/DAD.



i hope you've read this far,and if you have,thanks for taking the time to do so.plz R/F.

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