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Flame, Praise, Ego Craze

Junk Raver

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Hilariously, i just posted a thread in the Mod Forum asking if the current 'Thoughts' craze should be allowed, but stuff it, my turn ^_^


This is basically a thread to express your views on me, my actions, my ideas, my influences and my help, since December 07, when i joined.


Unlike alot of other 'thoughts' threads, i am not wanting praise, i do not gain happiness from having my ego stroked, but i do wish members can get their opinions and thoughts out there, its better to let them out, than to bottle them up.


This afterall is a Forum, a Yu-Gi-Oh Forum, any flaming against me, i shall not care about, nor act against it, nor come after you with a ban hammer, however only 2 aspects of me is to not be flamed or the ban hammer will be auto-hammering you, and that obviously is my open sexuality and my views on religion.


Flame, Praise, it's all the Ego Craze!

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Well, you didn't want any praise. Therefore, you shan't receive any.


The only dis-praise I can think of that is for you and only for you, is your fanfictionism. I remember issues such as strange spacing and grammar errors. Also, I remember a lack of descriptions, which separates stories from a collection of sentences.

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I can explain the strange spacings, i wanted an odd layout, uniqueness certainly seperates the norm from the, well, unique.


As for the Grammar errors, some words were slang, others were from Microsoft Word not correctly spell checking what i wrote. Other than that, i'm not thee best writer in the world ^_^


Oh, and for descriptions, i just wanted to show a duel, i couldnt be bothered with giving details details details, for a Yu-Gi-Oh Fan-Fic, at the end of the day, you just want a duel.

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so um, your telling the truth when you say we wont get in trouble?

its in writing, so yeahh

here i go:


you def. ego stroke, like totally.

your bored now, so you go and do stuff that would get normal members banned, and less noticeable mods, stripped of there powers, and or banned.

you had way to many stickied threads in Realistic section, and you wouldnt allow threads that should have been there, like Yanks to stay there.


you try to hard with points, -.-"

you pride yourself with minoot (whatever sp, you know what i mean) things, like reps, OCG.

and whatever.

mehh, theres more, but ive gotten over alot of things, >_>


Frunk agrees with me, that what you did, with the donating thing, was totally un called for, and out of your power control.

but of course, i cant do sheet, sense mods have the last word. -.-

you might call it grudge holding, you might think im over reacting, well you know what

i dont give a funking rats ass what you think.

Oh it's real, It's Damn Real!

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