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Dragon Fusion Contest (finished)


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"Infinty Dread Dragon" + "Infinty Flare Dragon"

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summoned' date=' and only with the above Fusion Materials. If this card would be destroy by the effect of a Spell or Trap Card, you can discard 1 card from your hand to have this card not destroy. Each time this card negates being destroyed by effects of Spells or Trap Cards, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Dragon-Type monster from your Graveyard.[/b']


DISCLAIMER: i am not the artist of the artwork used in my cards.[/align]

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My entry:

The materials


The fusion card


"Golden Dragon" + "Golden Dragon".

This monster cannot be Summoned except by Fusion Summon. Destroy 3 Dragon-Type monsters you control and pay 1000 Life Points. During your Standby Phase, Select 1 monster from your Deck and flip a coin. Activate the following effect based on the result:

-HEADS: Return the selected monster to your Deck. Your Deck is then shuffled. Negate the effect of all Set Spell and Trap cards your opponent controls and randomly select 2 cards from your opponents hand. Take control of 1 of the selected cards and send the other to your opponents Graveyard.

-TAILS: Normal Summon the selected monster to your field and increase the ATK of the card by 1000 and remove the monster with the lowest ATK on the field from play, If the monster removed from play was on your opponents side of the field, you must skip your Battle Phase. If the monster removed from play was on your side of the field, send the top 2 cards of your opponents Deck to the Graveyard and inflict 500 points of damage to both player's Life Points.

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