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Poke cards. Rate, please.


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just edit your first post

[spoiler=For the 1st card:]

think about it, a 1starred monster with 5050 ATK points? - way too overpowered

Soulivore Infected as a type?

any the effect is way too random

the pic is quite good, though

My Rating: 5/10


[spoiler=For the 2nd card:]

3750 ATK points - what were you thinking - way too overpowered

there's ocg errors everywhere

Psy Entity for the type?, use originals like Beast

and the pics way too blurry

My Rating: 5.5/10


[spoiler=For the 3rd card:]

this is slightly better, however, the pic is not

and it has a bland/boring/meh effect

My Rating: 6.5/10


[spoiler=For the 4th card:]

the pic is bad to start off with - find one with a background

and it cant be 1st edition without the gold in the bottom right (change to ultimate rare, not common - that goes for all of em)

My Rating: 5.6/10


[spoiler=For the 5th card:]

you said:


Rate excluding the blurry pic please.


but how can i as it doesnt have an effect?

the ATK and DEF is just random' date='

dont make up a type - hydroelectric

and the pic is horrific - try using Deviantart instead of google

[b']My Rating:[/b] 4/10




i suggest you work on them, try Dj Osiris' OCG thread in realistic cards section

keep trying, one day your cards will be near enough perfect


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