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dragon rush


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this is a deck I've come up with and I need a few suggestions or changes.





mirage dragon x3

masked dragon x3

luster dragon x3

L&DD x2

lord of D. x2

the dragon dwelling in the cave x2

decoy dragon x1

tyrent dragon x1



flute of summoning dragon x3

mausoleum of the emporor x2

big bang shot x2

magical mallet x2

heavy storm x1

wave motion cannon x1

monster reborn x1

brain control x1




compulsory evacuation device x3

just deserts x2

magic cylinder x1

type zero magic crusher x1

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Trade-In now. Card Destruction might also be helpful in here. Where are the Five-Headed Dragons and Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragons and Dragon's Mirrors. I also dont like LADD in here so drop it for any 2 Level 8 Dragons.


oh ok good choices. I didn't put the fusions in the main but I put the on the side deck for just in case. thanks for the help.

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Fusions cant go in the Side Deck. I feel they are also needed. Five-Headed Dragon in particular is a real difference maker in Dragon Decks. It should be run in all Dragon Decks except for LaDD decks, Dark Armed Dragon Decks and Lightsworn Decks. Those are 3 other types of Dragon Decks in a way since their win conditions are Dragons.

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