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500 years ago in England existed 2 mighty Kingdoms. The kings that ruled the kingdoms were given 8 rose cards. Passed from 1 ruler to the next. It is said that if all 16 cards are taken to Stone Henge the Card Guardian will make any request a reality. Seto the Dragon Lord is preparing a secret invasion on Yami's Kingdom. His plan: Take Yami's Red Rose Cards. Knowing this invasion will soon take place Yami has secretly given 8 of his most trusted servants 1 Red Rose card. The War is on, Seto plans to take all 16 cards. His goal: Become the ultimate of the world. Who will you join? The white Roses of the Red Roses?


[align=center]Name: Yami, Lord of Mage's

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Kingdom: Red Rose

Deck Leader: Dark Magician

Personality: Wise, skilled, trustworthy, noble.

Appearance: [spoiler= Yami]5596.jpg




Name: Seto the Dragon Lord

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Kingdom: White Rose

Deck Leader: Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Personality: Cruel, heartless, spoiled, self-centered.

Appearance: [spoiler= Seto]5596.jpg


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Okay Codey and BH15 are in. We still need 7 more White Roses and 6 more Red Roses but I'll make extra characters...


In the Red Rose Kingdom Yami calls his special assistant, Simon Mcmooran. "You called for me master?" Yami walks towards Simon. "Are the rumors true? Are we really being invaded by the White Rose Kingdom?" Simon looks down in shame. "Im sorry my Lord but all is true, Lord Seto is after the Cards. The only way we could stop him is to destroy Stonehenge." Yami looks at Simon as if he had gone mad. "Dont even think like that. Thats a very rare Land Mark that my family has kept alive for years." Simon quickly replies. "Im sorry my Lord, It was stupid of me to think such." Yami leaves the throne room and heads to the War Chamber were his 8 loyal Guards a wait there King.

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If you are basing off the Ps2 game this is going to be interesting!

In that wonderful game the deck Leaders could have more than one ability according to how many times you won with them, and how you won with them, but your number of abilities could only get up to 8.

I this is a good idea I could make some of the abilities and what you have to do to get them.


Name: Stri

Age: 25

Gender: M

Kingdom: White Rose

Deck Leader: Kamaral- Servant to Almaraus

Appearance: completely covered in Wight and read armor

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Yami looks at Hyoma for a minute. "You are young but I see you as one of my greatest warriors. Seto will be coming within days to take the Red Rose cards." Yami hands Hyoma a Red Rose card. "They will come after me but if I scatter the cards among the fighters...Seto will have to retreat and plan all over again." Yami awaits Hyomas exceptance of the Red Rose card. "Well?"

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