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Desu the Blue Nerd

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I'll add the NPCs. The two added NPCs will be the leader of the Utopians and the kazekage of the sound village. You can only have temporary control with my permission. Being NPCs I don't have to create there bios or anything like that. But it will be 1 less for the Utopians and we will only need 1 more sound village ninja.

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Ooc: Okay then I will start with the NPCs.


In a huge labratory there was a man standing with a bunch of scientists. The man that is not dressed as a scientist begins to speak. "What is the status report?" One of the scientists step foward. "We have had three deaths but all the others are doing great." The man begins to speak. "Good my army is almost complete. The backdraw is you would lose your kenkai genkai but with the power you gain is incredible. I will now take my leave." The scientists then all say in unision. "Yes my lord." The man walks out.


Ooc: That was in the sound village and the next one will be the utopians.


Meanwhile in a giant white castle there was a woman on a giant white throne. The woman was the leader of a humongous group called the Utopians. "We almost have enough people in or cause to start our master plan. Everything so far is going as plan."

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Ooc: here I go.


Tiaara Nakamura sat in his container. He looked through the green liquid and saw a man walk out. Suddenley the green liquid poured out and Tiaara broke the glass. He jumped oput and started to feel cold. He felt extremeley powerful, but cold. He looked at the scientists and one spoke "It worked sir". "I see it did. No make me the way I was before." "I'm sorry. We can't restore your kenkei Genkai." "You mean it's gone? That's what's wrong." Tiaara started to make a handsign. Then, a blast of water shot out at the scientists, blowing them back and sending them to their inevitable deaths. "That will do." said Tiaara, as he walked out of the room.


Ooc: That okay?

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