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Desu the Blue Nerd

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Tiaara was slammed into a chair. He was being questioned by leaf shinobi. He couldn't hear them. He just blasted them with water and walked out. He had taken a beating by the 7th Hokage. He sneaked around the village until finally he reached the Hokage's building. He stopped in his tracks. "Oh darn."

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OoC: Sorry, being sick and such...


Kat sighed, coming back from her third mission that week. "...stupid missions..." She murmured as an old lady walked up to her. "Good news Kat!" She said. "What? No more missions? Yes!" The lady looked at Kat, annoyed. "No, your headed to the village hidden in the leaves." Kat laughed a little. "Ok, Im gone then, see you later." Kat started walking away, only hearing the lady say the last of her sentence. "...Dont get killed!" Kat laughed lightly, walking out of her home village. "...I cant even be home for a few days without one mission..."

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Occ:Well can I begin my story?

Well Aashar was walking down the Kohona he was the only ninja that learned Dragon Flame.


Aashar:Where are the ninja's.


Aashar was confused when he saw a lady pass him.


Aashar:Helllllo. Aashar starts running to the girl.

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