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My Custom Cards


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1. no one likes normal monsters!!!

2. you forgot the basic synchro monster effect!!

3. effects are worded terribly

4. monsters dont have hit points....thats pokemon

5. X isnt an attack!!!

6. having 1001 attack and 2005 def makes you look like a retard

7.pics are blurry as hell

8. Dark ray makes no sense at all!!!!!!

9. you suck at making cards

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They all make no sense especially dark ray:x. the levels are wrong!! HOW CAN DIRE UNICORN HAVE 11 STARS??? :x its got 2100 atk and 1200 def. Bad pics synchro cards not used proply and WHERE THE HELL ARE THE EFFECTS?!!!!!?????!!!!!! You should read the yugioh rule book and take a look at a real yugioh card to see what yugioh is! 0/10

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The cards need effects.

X is not a number of ATK points.

Your cards make no sense and OCG is thrown out the window in this set.

1001 and 3005 are not proper ATK and DEF Points. 1000 and 3000 is proper.

Cards have way too much stars.

Pics are blurry and need backgrounds.

Synchro is 1 tuner monster + 1 or more non-tuner monster(s).


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The cards need effects.

X is not a number of ATK points.

Your cards make no sense and OCG is thrown out the window in this set.

1001 and 3005 are not proper ATK and DEF Points. 1000 and 3000 is proper.

Cards have way too much stars.

Pics are blurry and need backgrounds.

Synchro is 1 tuner monster + 1 or more non-tuner monster(s).



wow he must suck REALLY BAD if he fails at failing!

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They all make no sense especially dark ray:x. the levels are wrong!! HOW CAN DIRE UNICORN HAVE 11 STARS??? :x its got 2100 atk and 1200 def. Bad pics synchro cards not used proply and WHERE THE HELL ARE THE EFFECTS?!!!!!?????!!!!!! You should read the yugioh rule book and take a look at a real yugioh card to see what yugioh is! 0/10

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You have the nerve to post these piles of suck then go on to tell me my cards are lame. I dont care if the cards dont have proper atk or def values or that the types arent real but these cards are....


1. Not funny

2. Uninteresting

3. Not even close to OP

4. Meant to be serious and FAIL!


Furthermore dont insult my cards for not having real types or effects then post cards that dont have real types or effects.

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