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Careless Whisper

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Alright. I thought maybe I could just make a regular high school roleplay. In this RP, you will act as a Student of the nineth grade, freshmen. Your teachers will be NPCs at ALL times. Even our Principle too.


Now, this isn't a fantasy Roleplay, so there isn't any powers or magic, or whatever, it's an average everyday high school roleplay, in the modern age.


SETTING: 2008-2009, First Day of School, August 11, 2008. Japan


ROleplay Form:




Age: (must be either 14 or 15)



Extracurricular Activities: (EX: Marching Band, Football, etc.)

Detailed Biography:




And that's it. I'm just looking for a fun roleplay, that we can improvise the storyline with...




Sario Crystal

Name: Meti Ryuzaki

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Interests: Music, books, Poems, Art.

Dislikes: Jocks, prep-students, rap, country, and oldies.

Extracurricular Activities: Drumline

Detailed Biography: Meti moved around alot during his childhood, but now his parents are staying in Canto, Japan, for the rest of his education. He generally isn't nervous about school or meeting new people, but he tends to try and get his work done rather than socialize. He hopes to graduate from High School and then go to America to study in the American Institute of Music as a drummer and keyboardist so he can travel around the world as an ambient musician. His music that he writes now adays have no lyrics, it's mainly just drums and keyboards and a bass guitar.




Name: Davoi Erakahina

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Interests: Computer Hacking, Computer Programming, Computer Games, Computers in General, Chess

Dislikes: Jocks, Salmon, Bullies, Imbeciles

Extracurricular Activities: Computer Club, Chess Club, Computer Programming

Detailed Biography: Davoi Erakahina has always been different than other kids. Born in a somewhat unintelligent family, his intelligence grew and he got bored with his parents and ran away, and was picked up by an orphanage at the age of 8. But, from his time in the street Davoi had his share of interaction in the underworld, and also discovered the talent of hacking. Soon he was able to hack into all sorts of encrypted systems by the age of 11. He also marveled in Chess and was top notch intelligence wise, but his physical condition was a lot to be desired, and his was often picked on by bullies, but Davoi got back at them by sending binary codes into their IP addresses. By 14 he was a master programmer, and was in the Computer and Chess Club, and he topped even the Seniors in Chess tournaments. Not to mention he is a master at computer and video games.


01 Cody Thunderbolt

Name:Cody Renaldi



Intrests:Rock & Pop music,not a jock,but very athletic,& His laptop

Dislikes:Country, & people who hate what he likes

Extracurricaular activites:Track,& Football

Detailed Bio:Cody came to Canto,Japan because of his dad's job,He used to live in Detorit,Michigan,but moved to Cario when he was 6,now he plays Guitar & is the singer in a Japanese band called Cody's Heroes,one of the most popular bands in Japan

Appearence:Black anime-like hair,Muscle shirt,& Jeans



Name:Ben Potts



Interests:Sports(won the middle school chapionship for basketball)


Extracurricular Activities: Basketball, footblall and baseball

Detailed Biography:Is really popular and athletic



Seth Graystone

Name: Seth Graystone

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Interests: Music, games, and television

Dislikes: Snobs, preppy people, and jocks.

Extracurricular Activities: Band

Detailed Biography: Seth was born loving music and technology. At Age 7, he had memorised the inside of a computer, and got through school with his photographic memory and joined the band. He hopes to either become a director, or start a band, and tries to befriend his classmates while writing songs.



Name: Rokujo Mokuro

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Interests: Drama, poems, music (Love Metal)

Dislikes: Gangstas(They really annoy me), snobs, preps, jocks, those kind of people.

Extracurricular Activities: Drama, Practice Guitar after school(If I can do that).

Detailed Biography: Rokujo came to Japan by business. When Rokujo first entered this school, he knew he wasn't gonna make friends, so he didn't really try at all. Although he does practice Guitar a lot, but didn't make any friends. He brings his guitar to school everyday. Nobody really knows what his voice sounds like, cause nobody hears it.



Name: Zan (Zandra)

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Interests: Graphics, Art, Soccer

Dislikes: Bad Attitude, Rejection, Down right Mean People

Extracurricular Activities: Art

Detailed Biography:

Zan is a very talented girl, her talents range from art, to soccer to smarts. She is very shy. Her mother passed away and gets enraged when someone makes fun of it, and gets very teary when someone mentions their mom.



Name: Kat Jones.

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Interests: Violin, music (Green Day, country), Engineering, reading, writing.

Dislikes: Physics, art, social studies, jocks, cheerleaders, preps, popular people, pink

Extracurricular Activities: Violin and volleyball.

Detailed Biography: Shes a pretty normal girl, she plays violin everyday when she can, she can be sarcastic at times, she usually tries to get people to like her because she doesnt really like people talking about her in a negitive way and shes usually found outside playing her violin.


Axel C.

Name: Axle Comuteza

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Interests: Music(loves it), Drawing, Desgning Graphics and Websites on Computers, books, writing short little manga's, and studying Dim Mak

Dislikes: Jocks, cocky people, bullies, and people who don't respect his and others drawings

Extracurricular Activities: Art, Computer Club

Detailed Biography: Axle was raised with one brother, and two parents that always abused him. His brother was five years older and always protected Axle from bullies and his parents, who would constantly hit the two. After awhile, his parents tried to kill him, yet his brother ended up killing his parents. His brother and him began to live alone until he turned 14, where his brother was brutaly murdered infront of him. Axle became cold and mean and ended up killing the ones who killed his brother, getting himself arrested. After, he was released a year later. He doesn't like to fight anymore, and likes to draw and design stuff now.



Name: Seviro Handler

Gender: M

Age: 14

Interests: Technology (Video Games, Computers Etc.) , History, and Reading.

Dislikes: Math and Science

Extracurricular Activities: Football and Track

Detailed Biography: Seviro has always been an intelligent child ever since the age of 4. He could memorize almost every book he read since then. He also has never missed a day of school, strangely he cannot work in groups of any sort. He surpassed everyone in all of his classes, and has always been the youngest. As though he has skipped several grades. Seviro has no friends except his 2 puppies at home.

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This sounds cool

01 Cody Thunderbolt

Name:Cody Renaldi



Intrests:Rock & Pop music,not a jock,but very athletic,& His laptop

Dislikes:Country, & people who hate what he likes

Extracurricaular activites:Track,& Football

Detailed Bio:Cody came to Canto,Japan because of his dad's job,He used to live in Detorit,Michigan,but moved to Cario when he was 6,now he plays Guitar & is the singer in a Japanese band called Cody's Heroes,one of the most popular bands in Japan

Appearence:Black anime-like hair,Muscle shirt,& Jeans

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Name:Ben Potts



Interests:Sports(won the middle school chapionship for basketball)


Extracurricular Activities: Basketball, footblall and baseball

Detailed Biography:Is really popular and athletic




Name:Ben Potts



Interests:Sports(won the middle school chapionship for basketball)


Extracurricular Activities: Basketball' date=' footblall and baseball

Detailed Biography:Is really popular and athletic





This is really cool coolio1234

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Name: Seth Graystone

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Interests: Music, games, and television

Dislikes: Snobs, preppy people, and jocks.

Extracurricular Activities: Band

Detailed Biography: Seth was born loving music and technology. At Age 7, he had memorised the inside of a computer, and got through school with his photographic memory and joined the band as the band major. He hopes to either become a director, or start a band, and tries to befriend his classmates while writing songs.

Image: WindLink.jpg

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Sound great. I'll join.


Name: Rokujo Mokuro

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Interests: Drama, poems, music (Love Metal)

Dislikes: Gangstas(They really annoy me), snobs, preps, jocks, those kind of people.

Extracurricular Activities: Drama, Practice Guitar after school(If I can do that).

Detailed Biography: Rokujo came to Japan by business. When Rokujo first entered this school, he knew he wasn't gonna make friends, so he didn't really try at all. Although he does practice Guitar a lot, but didn't make any friends. He brings his guitar to school everyday. Nobody really knows what his voice sounds like, cause nobody hears it.

Image: vampireschoolboy.jpg

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Name: Davoi Erakahina

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Interests: Computer Hacking, Computer Programming, Computer Games, Computers in General, Chess

Dislikes: Jocks, Salmon, Bullies, Imbeciles

Extracurricular Activities: Computer Club, Chess Club, Computer Programming

Detailed Biography: Davoi Erakahina has always been different than other kids. Born in a somewhat unintelligent family, his intelligence grew and he got bored with his parents and ran away, and was picked up by an orphanage at the age of 8. But, from his time in the street Davoi had his share of interaction in the underworld, and also discovered the talent of hacking. Soon he was able to hack into all sorts of encrypted systems by the age of 11. He also marveled in Chess and was top notch intelligence wise, but his physical condition was a lot to be desired, and his was often picked on by bullies, but Davoi got back at them by sending binary codes into their IP addresses. By 14 he was a master programmer, and was in the Computer and Chess Club, and he topped even the Seniors in Chess tournaments. Not to mention he is a master at computer and video games.

Image: @~cat-cat

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I really hope you all know that this is more of a realistic type of Roleplay...meaning, being yourselves in it...lol


But, I guess you are all accepted... Though, Seth, in everyschool, in every marching band...you need 2 years marching experience, and only Marching Band has a Band Major/Drum Major... And you need 2 years of Marching Band experience, which according to me, no body has anyway...so, I hope you don't mind me editting your bio abit, becaufe of that unfortunate rule in DCI/WGI/etc.... Because, that's not my rule, it's THEIR rule...

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Name: Zan (Zandra)

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Interests: Graphics, Art, Soccer

Dislikes: Bad Attitude, Rejection, Down right Mean People

Extracurricular Activities: Art

Detailed Biography:

Zan is a very talented girl, her talents range from art, to soccer to smarts. She is very shy. Her mother passed away and gets enraged when someone makes fun of it, and gets very teary when someone mentions their mom.



without the wings and the armor replaced with modern day clothing

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Name: Kat Jones.

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Interests: Violin, music (Green Day, country), Engineering, reading, writing, mange and anime

Dislikes: Physics, art, social studies, jocks, cheerleaders, preps, popular people, pink

Extracurricular Activities: Violin and volleyball.

Detailed Biography: Shes a pretty normal girl, she plays violin everyday when she can, she can be sarcastic at times, she usually tries to get people to like her because she doesnt really like people talking about her in a negitive way and shes usually found outside playing her violin.

Image: themo-anime.jpg

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OoC: Alright, all registrations have been accepted. Any further registration must be done through PM... If you do not read this before registering, then you will not be accepted. I'll start it all off.




--August 11, 2008, Canto Japan--

-First day of school.


"Hurry up, Meti, or you'll be late!" His mother calls up to him while he dresses for his first day of high school.

"I'm coming, mom!!" he calls back. He then finally gets everything together, his back-pack, his machanical pencil in his pocket, his cell phone turned off in his pocket, his I-Pod playing music into his ears through head-phones, Meti now is ready for his first day of school. He bades farewell to his mom only, for his dad is already at work, and he walks to the bus stop with his hands solemnly in his pockets.

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Meti got to his locker, after spending about 15 minutes trying to find it, put all his things in his locker except for his notebook, his pencil, and his music-scetch book, and he walked to his first class. World Geography, a subject he never taken before, but it sounded easy to him. "I wonder, if I'll meet some cool people in my first class." he said to himself.

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