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[align=center]2 years from this day all the world is at war. Crime is at an all time high and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Militarise all over the world have tried to control the situation but the only way to stop the out brake of crime is to commit genocide and no man on Earth wants that on their soul. To make matters worse a type of flesh eating virus is starting to spread rapidly across parts of the U.S and Mexico. A brave soldier, Trin is trying to collect a massive group of soldiers. He has put together a plan that involves attacking major Mafia areas of the world that are distributing the virus. At the same time they will fight off the crimes that have been spreading. Time is running out and the world will fall if you don't make a stand soon. Stop the madness and along the way figure out what happened to start this war. Or do the wrong thing and help the war...


Rules: No Spam, don't take the story else were, give sentences detail and not 1 line, only 4 star members allowed in this RP.







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