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Lock Godmodding central


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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster



Name: Supreme Gamesmaster Yddisac

Age: 12

Knowledge: Name the field. He does have a semi-complete understanding of quantum theory, has formulated his own concept for dimensional travel (and extensively tested it), and has lived up many times to his claims of being a master tactician.

Cyberspace skills: He can alter YCM's source code, changing or obliterating parts of the forum (no, really, I can theoretically pull that off). Aside from that, skills include various bits of magic from "The Slayers" anime, and extreme proficiency with a lightsaber.

Aperance: A floating dark cloak.

Bio: SGY keeps his past largely a mystery. It's known he gained his modifying skills while altering his video game "Galactic Civilizations II: Twilight of the Arnor" (incidentally, he still hails the game as a masterpiece). It is also known that he writes by dreaming himself into other dimensions and chronicling events that occur there.

Pesonality: Blunt, arrogant, egotistical, and insecure. On the bright side, he can admit he's blunt, arrogant, egotistical, and insecure, and his egotistical insecurity leads him to put every ounce of his effort into everything he does.


After the RP starts others may still join but you shall be a stranger on the forum. Waiddaminnit, how is that even possible? 4600 posts and I'm a friggin' stranger?

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OoC: KAOS is actually Ryko's evil form, which is an extremely powerful virus, so it is considered an it, it can be supressed by successfully mimicing and RP with KAOS, look at KAOS's and Ryko's personality, and you will see why i did that


Meanwhile... inside KAOS..... Ryko was trapped in his own body by a Virus named KAOS, Which was a Virus Created by Ryko, it can Bypass Firewalls and Scanners and cannot be taken down by one


Ryko: Grrrr...Gyahh!!! You will never get away with this!

KAOS: I already have, Say goodbye to One of your favorite threads!


Outside.... a Thread with Ryko's Badge on it Disappears and Explodes

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OoC: Duelist king in all of your Rps i have seen you do some degree of godmodding i would like you to stop although the hackers are stronger then members you cant just do that or anything for that mater without a chance for retaliation from the target.



Cameron moved across the Forum eventualy comming towards the coustom cards section. Ignoreing the person that was there cameron apaered on the 74 page and he looked around. "..." he said trying to find one of the keys. if he collected them all the others could not be sent back.

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~Haruki keeps walking seeing what shops are around the server then jumps out to the main board~

Haruki:wow that is a lot of spam


OOC:Yes now we have two Haruki but we don't know who is more perverted


Ooc: the only reason i picked haruki as my name is because thats the name of the gender blended haruhi and i am more perverted (ask anyone)



nway onto the story


"Hmm they are all falling into the peaces of my plan" Haruki muttered to himself evily "while they deal with the hackers, i can safely take over without any inconvinions"


"Now to cause them a bit of trouble for those wannabi hero's, i am going to send down a virus to........ at least slow them down" With saying that Haruki did a evil laugh.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

"Oh, shut up," the Gamesmaster sighed, rolling his eyes before kicking Haruhi in the back and activating his lightsaber. Honestly, he knew Haruki was an idiot, but this act gave evil a bad name.

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