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The Kozaky 2500+ Banger!!!


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Almost everyone has a "Giant Kozaky" card, but the "Kozaky" monster is abit harder to find... At first sight, people instantly look to buy more packets, so they can find a "Kozaky" card, after all, as a Level 4, 2500 ATK is pretty high, especially since you can have 3 of them in your deck! For those of you that don't have it, this is it's effect:


If there is no face-up "Kozaky" on the field, destroy this card. If this face-up card is destroyed, inflict damage equal to the original ATK of this card to its current controller.


So, by simply setting this, then using "Creature Swap" - don't just take control of your opponents monster, but let yours do damage aswell! Then, with something like "Swords Of Revealing Light" or "Light Of Intervention" - you can flip it face up, let it's effect kick your opponent a bit, then smash them a bit more with their own monster!




Yes yes, this tactic is very common, I just want to 'expand' on it a bit more. Constructive Criticism please!!!

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