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Fight for the Academy! Started, PM me new entries.

Luna Lovegood

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Steve: Ha, now I summon Serpent from the sea.[1700ATK] Serpent from the sea.......

Welche: I activate my trap, DNA surgery, all monsters on the field are now fire.

Steve: It doesn't matter, you see my monster attacks your life points directly. Go!



Welche: My move. This is the end.

Steve: I wouldn't be too sure, you see my Palace has another effect. Since I attacked i flip a coin. Since the result was heads I gain Life Points equal to the ATK of my monster.

Welche 2300

Steve: 5700

Welche: I will still win. I activate my face-down "Ultimate Offering". Now for 1500LP I can summon 3 scattershots. I use Bass ball kid to destroy my 3 scattershots. For each one destroyed, you lose 500LP. Also my scattershots get to use there effects, you lose an additional 500 each. That brings the total to 3000

Welche 2300

Steve 2700

Welche: Now i attack your Serpent from the sea.

Steve: You activated my spell mystical space typhoon, I use it on DNA surgery. Then I activate the effect of my Wet bull. Switching your attack target to him.

Welche 1800

Steve 2700

Welche: I activate Pot of greed. Sweet! Now I set 1 card and 1 monster. Your move.

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Welche:I activate Fire Skull.

Steve: What?

Welche: You Will see.

Steve: I summon Sea Ghoul.

His duel spirit, lucky I have mineThought Welche

Steve: Now sea ghoul, attack his face down.

Welche: Show down of duel spirits. My Pyro-Kids effect activates, you lose 500Lp for every card on the field and I count 6. Thats 3000, game over.

Steve: But my effect activates, you lose 300LP for every ocean monster on the field. I think that makes 900, its a tie.

Welche 0000

Steve 0000

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Andrew:” unholy Power activate with death charge. "

Note:” unholy Power take in your damage then I can put it with an attack death charge damage is 800. 800 +700 = the damage of this attack. But I still lost 700 life points."


Andrew:” my turn I select my unholy Power attack. Then I use Unholy Dark magic."

Next turn I can skip turns equal to 1000 / the amount of damage I do to you that is not an attack next turn. Your turn."

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Horace: Now I activate Downward Summoning. I can tribute 1 face up monster, to special summon 2 new monsters of lower levels. Then I can tribute them, if I want. So I summon two Dark Orbs. [ATK300] But I tribute them to summon Necromancer Revival![ATK 1900] It's a level 9, just for my purpouse. Next I activate ultimate offering to summon, Syncromancer. But now, I send them both to the Graveyard, to Synchro summon, Necromancer Yarsung![ATK350]

Herit: Thats new, a synchro eh, we'll see.

Horace: You will, you see, My Necromancer gains 500 ATK for every Spell or Trap on the field. Thats 4x500, or 2000 extra Attack. This meaning that my monster has 2350ATK!

Herit: You've improved a bit.

Horace: I've been training. You should see some of my new elemental moves.

Herit: I can't wait.

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Herit: Not really, remember my face downs.

Horace: How could i forget.

Horace wiggled a card in his hand.

Herit: But it's in your hand.

Horace: Then how do you use them cards in your graveyard.

Herit: By activating effects on the field.

Horace: I shall activate a effect in my Grave yard, that touches my hand. Remember my Necromancer revival?

Herit: Yes...

Horace: Well, it's effect activates now. I can Special Summon it. Also, I may set 1 card from my hand. and that means My Necromancer Yarsung gains another 500ATK!

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4. After 5 turns without attacking you may use you ultimate attack:

Ultimate Attack

Your opponent loses 3000 Life Points' date=' this effect cannot be negated by any defenses or attack.


OoC: 3 turns thanks to your first effect 1 turn (Unholy Dark magic)

+ that turn didn't attack. then this is my 5th turn with out attacking.

Andrew:"first my ability unholy heal. then Ultimate Attack."

3000 dammage

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