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Yu-Gi-Oh! Sideline Preparation. Volume 2 Chap Three up


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To be honest' date=' it deteriorates in some chapters. But thank you.


could you help me fix my fanfiction up as I write it, I am not good at story formatting.


*shrugs* Sure, but I'm not the best so you know, errors do slip by me.

True but you probably know better than I do about story format compared to paragraph format, which is how I write.

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Well, the second season begins!


...With some obscure report on a little of what is happening from a person you don't even know unless you read the little hints.


Ain't I a stinker?


Well, hopefully I'll keep my work that, when it gets to the real stuff, it will be nicely descriptive etc.


[spoiler=Vol. 2: Prologue]

Sideline Preparation

Sideline Preparation

Prologue: A Land Besieged


Status Report 036.

The shadow duelists have quite clearly shown where they want the most in the appearance of at least a dozen strikes at the Abandon Dorm, each of them more desperate then the last. The Orichalcos duelists have been more conservative, and seem to be attempting sneak attacks to separate and eliminate both shadow duelists and remnants of Duel Academy. Divide and conquer... Their leader seems to know what they are doing.


An interesting note, fatalities (in body, not soul) mainly seem to be the cause of shadow duelists rather then Orichalcos duelists. Losers in Orichalcos duels have a higher likelihood of surviving, somewhat at odds with the Orichalcos monsters being more corporal then the shadow ones.


This in fact may be the work of the Orichalcos seal itself, it seems to be unable to take a soul from a dead person, and does all it can to prevent them from dying until the duel is over. Duels have been witnessed with people’s wounds glowing green, protected from infection by its power alone. Unconsciousness however seems to be fine with the seal, stripping them of their soul. However due to overcompensation in keeping them alive, it takes a real beating to knock out a duelist during an Orichalcos Duel.


Shadow duels, on the other hand, seem to care far less on the wellbeing of a duelist during the duel. Although whether this is because they are able to obtain the soul even after the death of a person, or they care less due to the real reason being whatever they want at the Abandom Dorm, is unknown for the time being.


However if it is more likely that a person will lose their body in a shadow duel, it is also more likely a person will lose their soul in an Orichalcos duel. There have been people who have survived losing shadow duels, although most of the time their soul is left in such a damaged state they don’t live very well, or for much longer, even if the duel itself doesn’t leave their body beyond repair. To date, there is one person who has a damaged soul and is still alive, and they have definitely been scarred. Although more may come after a time.


The soul is a major thing in this battle. Odds are, the ones who lose their soul will be able to come back if the remnants of Duel Academy somehow triumph. But if they have no bodies to return to, odds are they shall stay dead…


Duel Academy seems intent merely on there own survival. They have focused completely on barricading the main building and fortifying their position. Although they are also experimenting to try and find a way to break down the barriers that surround the island, or at least send a distress signal. So far all attempts have been useless, and no-one has wondered what is going on here to investigate. Luckily, to combat the shadow creatures, there were robots that were there solely for the paranoia of the principle, Richard Marino. The principle, before he vanished about five days ago, recommended that the “Hybrids” (people who have been affected by the Orichalcos and/or shadow energy, usually developing abilities of their own) be put both in places of high authority and on the front lines.


So far it is a shaky stalemate, but the Orichalcos duelists have eliminated the most opposition, although they have the fewest people themselves.


Which of these sides has the person we are looking for?


We have a small list of possible candidates, but due to the very nature of this battle, it has been impossible to find everyone, and none of these may be the correct answer:


:Zack Abel; although we have lost track of him, I must admit suspicion. His life has been suspicious due to numerous tiny, almost trivial details being incorrect, as is it with his previous friend, the following

:Achos Inflist; a sadistic and masochist man, who has a friend that was never suppose to happen.

:Arashi Toriyama; possibly should have died on a plane some time ago (Data has been sketchy on that point, admittedly). Has also lived when they should be dead currently, but is explained by the war itself what has kept the assassins busy.

:Sho Yushiro; was supposed to be ‘mellowed’ by that friend of his. The friend is dead however, so they cannot be suspected.

: Nami Suzuki; should have nearly drowned at a young age and at that point began fearing water.

:Nadel Bearach; *Info Lost*

:Ammon Betsalel; A little too obscure facts on him, believed to be fabricated.

:Abastor Tristis; Still alive, despite the magic he has been dealing with should have killed him outright, or left him an empty shell. Yet he fights on.


Not to mention plenty of others with smaller reasons, and others with big reasons, but also alibis. Enough to make you believe in the butterfly effect, hey, Uinum? If it’s to be believed one small change started all this, anyway. When you get rid of those old fogies, you should come along.


We do not know, this was never supposed to happen, NONE of it. This leaves us at a dilemma. Do we simply exterminate the island, risking our lives, to try and undo this? Or do we continue our observations in hope of finding the trigger? So far the simple fact that killing everyone there will also cause unforseen occurrences has kept us from doing the former. But the idea of exterminating the island and dealing with what is to come is becoming more and more appealing with some. We have attempted to appease this by accelerating the plan to bring the trigger out in the open ahead of schedule. More dangerous it may be, but it would be worse to keep them waiting.


So our man on the inside is going to be activated, and may this plan succeed.


Oh, and a nursery rhyme is becoming popular here! You should listen to it, it’s rather nice.





[spoiler=Vol. 2: Chapter One]

Sideline Preparation

Sideline Preparation

Chapter 1: A Rude Awakening



‘…Uugghh, my head hurts…’


Well, it was the truth, even if it wasn’t expressed in the most accurate way. “My head feels like it had been struck repeatedly with an iron bar” may have been more accurate, strangely enough.


Unsteadily, each movement sending a message of pain to his brain, Joshua slowly got up.


‘Where am I?’ Memories slowly began trickling back. He had been trying to get that safe, that person had attacked him. They had duelled… The seal of something was going to make him lose his soul.


Joshua sighed, his hand at his head. Looking over, he noticed the volcano was far closer then it had been. Very strange, had he been moved?’


Looking at the volcano, Josh gasped. There was nothing wrong with the volcano, but above he could see no sky, but black and purple shadow surrounding the entire island. As well as a shimmer of green vaguely, although he couldn’t see the source.


Something had happened, something bad.


‘Head for the main building’


…Did he just think that?’ Joshua frowned. Wasn’t it more logical to try and find an escape route? Looking at this place, odds were that everyone was dead, or worse.


‘Head for the main building’


Why should he trust this voice anyway? It was probably a trap, some shadow duelist trying to control him.


‘Head for the main building’


Then again, he was alive, wasn’t he? That voice was rather insistent too, it seemed to grow heavier and heavier in his mind.


‘FINE!’ He exploded at empty air, storming towards the main building.


Five minutes later, he heard a moan. Freezing, he listened. The moan came again.


‘Head for the main building’


But someone was hurt, he had to go check!


Every step pained him, but he took a little side-track to the side, finding a motionless figure under a tree. The scent of blood was in the air.


Taking a step towards him (the pressure towards his mind prevented any fast movement.) he froze again, realizing something.


The prone figure had been obscured in the shade of the tree even from the dim green light. Now it was partially visible, and the figure was wearing a black cloak, similar to the one worn by Beta.


Suddenly, listening to the voice seemed like a good idea.


But it was too late. The motionless figure stirred, and got up unsteadily. ‘So, you’ve come to finish me off, have you?’ The figure hissed.


Shadows swirled out of the figure, surrounding himself and Joshua into a miniature dome.


‘I may be dead soon, but I’m taking you with me!’


Somehow, light was in there. It was lighter then it had been outside. Very odd, and yet it was there. Joshua didn’t bother to question it.


The cloak the figure was wearing was now clear to view, and it had clearly seen better days. Numerous tears, each of them brown with dry blood, and when the cloaked figure took off the hood, his face was even worse, his brown eyes had barely escaped talons raking his face that had taken a chunk of his nose, and he was still bleeding near his right ear, while the left one had been torn off, but at least had healed up.


‘Let’s do this, shall we?’ He activated his duel disk.


Joshua said nothing, if he had learned anything, it was pointless to talk to these freaks, but grunted as he activated his duel disk.


SLP: 8000

JLP: 8000


‘I think it is only fair I start.’ The shadow duelist murmured. He drew. ‘I summon “Fragment – Fire” (4/1800/1400) in attack mode.’


A burst of flames came from the ground in front of the shadow duelist, the flames eventually stopped, then formed what appeared to be a human cut vertically in half.


‘Next, I’ll set two cards face-down. That ends my turn.’ The shadow duelist grinned, licking his lips. ‘I can taste your fear, do you regret hunting me down? A cornered dog will bite. I shall rip you to shreds!’


‘Of course, you’ll still be dead.’ Josh said warily. ‘Not that I was hunting you down anyway.’


The shadow duelist burst out laughing. ‘Hilarious, an enemy isn’t trying to hunt me down?’


Josh sighed. ‘No convincing you, then.’ He drew, and then paused, assessing his hand.


‘This isn’t right; I don’t know half the cards in my hand…’ He stared in amazement. Staring back at him was the card that had started the mess.


‘I activate “Covalent Summon”. This turn I can normal summon twice, as long as the second one requires the release of the first one. So first up, I summon “Chemicalist – HCN Poison Expert” (3/1200/700).


A shady figure in a brown trench coat and a top hat appeared. Grinning, he slid his hand into his trench coat, and pulled out a vial filled with a toxic-looking purple substance.


‘When he is summoned, you take three hundred points of damage for each Chemicalist on the field. I have one, so you take three hundred damage.’


The Chemicalist hurled the vial at the shadow duelist’s chest, who managed to bring his arm up to block it. He shuddered at the impact, and as the purple liquid began hissing and dissolving his skin, he made another moan of pain.


‘Next, I have to release it. I shall do so, releasing it to summon “"Chemical-Enhanced Berserker" (6/2400/500).


A large man with bulging muscles and machines connected to him on the back with rather painful-looking tubes appeared, tearing the Chemicalist apart as soon as he materialized.


‘Now, I remove HCN Poison Expert to increase his attack by 1000 for the turn.’


The purple liquid from before filled the tubes, the man roared in both battle-fury and agony (6/2400-3400/500)


‘Now that berserker will put out that blaze!’ Josh smirked. I still got it, I’m still able to make some of the worst puns ever, I wonder if it can irritate them into doing irrational moves?’


The berserker charged forward, still screaming in agony.


‘I activate the trap card “Fragmentation Shield.”.’ The shadow duelist declared.


“Fragment - Fire” exploded, flames went everywhere. Creating a barrier that stopped the Berserker in his tracks.


‘”Fragmentation Shield” negates an attack on a “Fragment” monster at the cost of halving the fragment monster’s attack and defence (4/1800-900/1400-700). But not only that, I can now special summon the partner fragment, so long as I halve its attack and defence as well!’


‘“Partner Fragment”?’ Was all Joshua said.


‘All of my monsters have a partner fragment, together they become whole!’ The shadow duelist declared with a smile. ‘I suppose it could be compared to love.’


Shaking his head, he quickly announced. ‘Thanks to that shield, I can now Special Summon from my deck “Fragment – Ice” (4/1400-700/1800-900).


The temperature took a dive. Ice began to appear in the dome, slowly covering it like a malignant virus. After covering the Shadow Duelist’s half of the dome, it stopped…


And then abruptly came off the dome and combine into half of a human, made entirely of ice.


‘Well… I’ll set a card of my own and end my turn.’ Josh muttered.


The purple liquid vanished from the berserker’s tubing, it gave a somewhat loud sigh of relief (6/3400-2400/500).


‘Very well.’ The shadow duelist drew. ‘Now, in the words of so many famous duelists, Contact Fusion!’ The Shadow Duelist declared, raising his arms towards the sky.


The two cards turned to each other, hovering towards each other, they struck rapidly with a *bang* and a burst of steam that obscured them.


The steam cleared, and it revealed a sight that defied ordinary logic. The creature that hovered on the field now was a whole human made entirely of ice. However the figure was difficult to make out as it was covered in blue fire that didn’t seem to affect the ice at all.


‘Meet “Whole Being – Fire/Ice” (8/2600/2600)’. The shadow duelist smirked. ‘You can meet it rather personally as well; I’ll declare an attack now.’


Both the Berserker and the man made of fire and ice charged forward, fists clashed, and the Berserker found himself immolated in blue flames. Roaring, he melted down into a puddle of flesh and flimsy bone. Josh winced at the rather pathetic sight.


Seeming to enjoy it, the creature picked up a portion of the liquid flesh and hurled it at Josh, who held his arm up in an attempt to block it. The liquid flesh hissed in contact and heat engulfed Joshua’s body. He screamed.


(JLP: 7800)


‘That’s right, you can’t beat me….’ The shadow duelist coughed, a mouthful of blood went with it. ‘I… End my turn.’


Josh drew a card. ‘Ok, what can I do with these cards?’ he frowned. ‘Nothing that could give me an advantage…’


‘Sure they do, you just aren’t thinking outside the box.’


Josh frowned. ‘Who are you and what are you doing in my head?


Does it matter? I’m saving your life. You are still treating this as a game, treat it as a battle. Now, do as I say…’


‘I summon “Chemicalist – CO2 Gasser” (4/1000/200).’


Materializing in a puff of smoke was a man wearing thick white clothing and a dark green gas mask. His gloved hands held small pellets.


‘Next, I’ll equip him with “Calcium Enhancement”, increasing his attack by 1000.


There was no distinct change, but beneath those thick clothes the man’s bones strengthened.


‘Now it’s time for the Chemicalist to use his ability.’ Joshua gave a weak grin ‘I sure hope the voice in my head knows what they are doing.’, he cleared his throat. ‘And he’ll attack you directly!’


Hurling one pellet at the Fire/Ice being. Smoke engulfed it. While the smoke obscured the being, Gasser did a run forward and delivered a hefty blow to the shadow duelist’s gut. Winded, he keeled to the ground, coughing up more blood.


(SLP: 6000)


‘D-damn you.’ He rasped. ‘But you’ve left yourself open.’


‘Well, I end my turn. Do your worst!’ Joshua declared, hoping his false bravado would make the guy think his face-down wasn’t a bluff.


‘I…’ He paused, his hand was shaking, he still hadn’t brought his body up from being knocked down. ‘I’m not sure I can.’ He laughed hysterically. ‘My body isn’t responding, you’re nothing more then a blur to me.’ Another hysterical laugh, but it was cut short by a weak cough. ‘Perhaps that’s all you are.’


He keeled over, and whatever else he was saying was muffled. The monster on his field and the face-down card vanished.


The shadow dome began to dissipate, they left entirely and the shadow duelist laid still.


Gulping, Joshua deactivated his duel disk. He held his forefinger to the man’s neck.


No pulse, he was dead. The guy didn’t have the strength left to survive that attack it seems.


Did the guy have anything on him?


Not really, the scrappy clothes didn't leave many places to hide, and they were all empty. He inspected the guy's deck. Not very special, but hey could use a memento, right?


I told you it would work, you just have to look and calculate how much pounding the body can take before it fails them.’


Joshua growled. ‘It would be nice if you told me who you were, you just made me kill this guy.’


‘Get to the main building and I’ll reveal myself to you.’


‘Whatever.’ Joshua snapped aloud, continuing his walk towards Duel Academy. But he couldn’t help but remember that corpse, and while the voice seemed like a blank slate before, it seemed to begin taking form in his head as a cold, maybe even malicious, voice…




Orichalcos activity is starting get answers, as well as further questions, due to information gleaned from sources that shall remain anonymous.


We know that Orichalcos duelists want souls, that is clear enough. However ever since the defeat of Dartz, a large portion of what allowed them to steal souls (Seal of Orichalcos, Orichalcos magic itself) has become increasingly rare. As such, fragments of Paradias’ spy network have been used to discover remains of such Orichalcos artefacts scattered all across the globe. They are very careful doing this, years, decades, they are willing to wait as long as they can obtain them quietly. They don’t seem ready to come out in the open yet.


…And yet here they are at Duel Academy, quite willing to wage an all-out assault. This leads to wondering why after all these years, they are willing to perform such an offensive.


Do they believe they have enough power now to do so? Unlikely, all their other plans that we know of are still going under most people’s radars.


Perhaps there is a well of Orichalcos energy in the area?


Highly unlikely, there is no evidence that the Orichalcos was ever on the island, let alone left its mark there.


The souls of duelists? You’d think their primary target would be either the strongest duelist souls (Pro Leagues) or ones that would not be as missed (Underground duelists? Little known ones?)


So perhaps there is something they want on the island, however it wasn’t there before. Perhaps someone brought it there? If so, who and why become the questions.


So what does that leave us?


Pretty much nothing, but it’s a start.


Will send further information later, wish you luck!



Card of the Chapter


Whole Being - Fire/Ice

Level 8



ATK/DEF: 2600/2600

"Fragment - Fire" + "Fragment - Ice"

This card can be Special Summoned from your Fusion Deck by returning the above cards from your side of the field to the Deck. (You do not use "Polymerization".) Your opponent cannot activate Spell or Trap cards during your Battle Phase. During your Standby Phase, inflict damage to your opponent equal to half this card's original attack.


Shadow Duelist: Hello people, I am here to tell you of the writer doing "Card of the Day" stuff, noticed on many other stories and being ripped off, without the decency to even at least get an image for the card, and hiding behind a fictional character to further prove the writer's inadequacy.


In this case, the card is "Whole Being - Fire/Ice". My on card, perhaps to sate my anger at being killed off soon after I was introduced. It is simply a contact fusion similar to the gladiator beasts, like most of my Fragment monsters. In this case it prevents most nasty surprises during your battle phase, only monster effects can ruin the day. It's second effect deals a hefty amount of burn. Both effects symbolize the two halves, and make the card worth while in my opinion.





[spoiler=Vol. 2: Chapter Two]

Sideline Preparation

Sideline Preparation

Chapter 2: Secrets and Lies


‘I should have seen this coming.’


Hiding in the foliage, Joshua suppressed a sigh. He had reached the edge of the forest, only to be forced to an abrupt stop.


The entrance was covered in what appeared to be stainless steal, and outside it, snoring quietly, were several cloaked individuals, probably Shadow Duelists.


To make it worse, while it seemed like shifting shadows, a good hard look would reveal Spear Cretin sneaking around the entrance, spears in hand. Their faces looked like they would relish hunting down anything that came near.


‘I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to get in.’ He murmured.


’There is always a way in.’


‘Oh, stop being so mystical, just tell me how I’m suppose to get him.’ He muttered under his breath.


’Very well, there is a secret entrance that should lead into the building, the principle’s office to be precise. Go to the west side of the academy.’


Nodding, Joshua stealthily went around the academy, finding himself at a wall. ‘Where is…’ He stopped, it seemed clear to him, staring at the wall. Slowly, mechanically, he began tapping the bricks in what seemed to be no particular order, and finished by stomping the ground.


Slowly, a section of grass went vertical, revealing a solid steel staircase going down.


Joshua entered, the trapdoor shut silently after.


He went down, and found himself in an underground cave.


It became clear something was odd about the cave immediately, but it took a few seconds to guess what it was. The cave could have been carved by lasers, the walls, floor and ceiling were completely smooth, not a pebble displaced.


However there were two noticeable things in the cave, another corridor and a symbol on the floor, it didn’t look drawn on either, it looked like whatever had smoothed out the room took it’s time to etch it in with amazing detail.


Joshua squinted; the symbol was hard to make out from his point of view. He could try to make it out by circling around it, but a sudden pressure in his head changed that idea. He kept on going towards the other corridor on the opposite side.


This time the stairs went up, and there was in fact something to break the dullness of the steel. It was written in what looked like dried blood, and said “Some Demons are better left Alive”


Somewhat creepy, but Joshua tried to get it out of his head and keep moving. He found himself exiting a trapdoor into a…


…rather empty room, It had a massive window for one of the walls which would have had a view of a large portion of the island if not for the lack of light that made it difficult to see anything. But the only things left in there were boxes filled to the brim with all sorts of random stuff, such as sheets of paper and small trinkets.


Joshua blinked. ‘The principle’s office looks a tad empty.’ He murmured. ‘Did he move out or something?’


Slowly, he sneaked to the door, not quite sure what he would say. Who would be waiting for him, the leader of the shadow duelists? Did he stand a chance?


Perhaps some people from Duel Academy were still alive, and could help him.


Well, he better be careful anyway.


He opened the door.


The hallway was clear.


Suspense still in the air, he kept moving.


He was in a hallway that he vaguely remembered from his short stay at school. Except then it had pictures on the wall of successful students and teachers, such as Syrus Trusedale and Hoxer Xalnfel. Now it was empty, the pictures gone.


Had they cleared up the entire academy?


Too late he heard footsteps coming from the opposite side of the hallway.


'Who might you be?' A bemused voice asked.


He turned around suddenly, coming face to face with some kid about his height. Blue, calculating yet tired eyes met green eyes with a sparkle of life to them.


But right now the sparkle was barely visible, the figure gave him a wary look.


'I'm Joshua Paul, I am a student here.'


The sparkle flashed, before vanishing outright. 'Joshua Paul.' He murmured. 'I'm sure i've heard that name before...' He cut off. 'Why are you wearing those clothes anyway? Not having to wear school uniform is one of the good points of this battle.' He gave a weak chuckle. 'Not to mention one as awful-looking as that, get into trouble?'


Joshua hadn't bothered to check, but looking now the uniform really was damaged, numerous cuts through it showing scabbed over wounds, and very dirty, the yellow color had faded too, almost white.


Not that the kid before him was much better. Sure his uniform was clean and whole enough, but the gray 'pants' were nearly shorts, and the orange T-shirt with the rather immature line "I stop when the green lights flash" in bright red letters was also rather short on him, just not covering his entire stomach.


Michael laughed, noticing Joshua's barely concealed distaste at his own outfit. 'I don't quite know why I decided to wear this today.' A dreamy look entered his face. 'Life called out to me, I suppose.'


Breaking off, he said calmly 'Now, Shadow Duelist, you've done decently disguising yourself, but I'm afraid i must ask you to either be escorted to our prison, or lose your soul.


Joshua was somewhat stunned by that sentence. He snapped back 'What makes you think that!?'


'Well, first off we haven't done any raids recently, so no-one has left here for a while.' He began bringing his fingers up to show how many reasons. 'Second, us survivors have a knack for remembering each others faces, and I don't remember you at all. Third, this area is temporarily off-limits for most, and yet you stroll in here as if it was what anyone could do.'


'No, I've been knocked out before this war started! I only got up several hours ago!'


Green eyes studied his face, looking for signs of deceit. 'you've been knocked out for at least three weeks?'


'I suppose, if that's how long the war has been going on.'


'Three weeks being knocked out usually means you are left unable to eat and drink.'


The fridge logic struck Joshua like a truck. 'I-I don't know how I'm alive, but I am.'


'Normally, i'd give you a chance to display evidence and such.' He sighed. 'But i can't let other lives be a gambit that you didn't bring something with you to destroy us. So let's settle this quick.'


The duel disk on the guy's arm (A red color, making Joshua wonder if the kid had been a Slifer Red, or just replaced his other duel disk with whatever he could find) activated.


'You win, I'll let you stay. You lose, you're coming with me.' His face looked grim, and something about his words seemed off.


Joshua sighed, activating his own duel disk.


They didn't shout out anything, but the duel had begun.


(JLP: 8000)

(MLP: 8000)



'He has been activated, you happy now?'


The green-eyed guy in a Hawaiian shirt called Zacho huffed at his companion.


His companion laughed, the dark blue eyes sparkled with the show of merriment. 'Don't blame me, I wasn't the one who wanted this whole plot accelerated.'


'Oh Uinum, sorry for blaming you!' He said melodramatically locking his companion (Uinum) into an embrace. 'Sometimes those old fools leave me temporarily blinded.


Uinum gave him a pat on the back. 'You know, people watching that would consider us related, or gay.'


'If we ever have a sex drive, I'd definitely be gay for you.' came the exaggeratedly serious retort. The embrace tightened.


'Let's hope it never comes to that.' Dark brown hair whooshed and Uinum had escaped from the embrace. 'Love only leads to heartache. History tells you that much, especially when at one time for you, it was the present.'


'Good thing we ain't that old, hey?' After a few seconds, Zacho got his arms out of the embrace position and they hung loosely at his side.


'I suppose no-' He stopped abruptly, his hand went to his temple and his eyes closed up. He grimaced. 'Something isn't right. I just... Felt something.'


'Did he find the trigger already?' Zacho's eyes widened.


'...I'm not sure, doesn't feel quite like that. Besides, you'd feel that too.'


'I'll go investigate!' He paused. 'But before I go, that's a nice piece of jewelry.'


'Borrowed it.' Was all Uinum said, but his gaze flickered to it all the same. The necklace in front of his all-blue outfit of a long-sleeve shirt and jeans had on it a clear gem filled with mud that seemed to glow as attention was brought to it.




[spoiler=Vol. 2: Chapter Three]

Sideline Preparation

Sideline Preparation

Chapter 3: A Life Unknown


‘Home field advantage goes to me, right?’ The duelist drew a card. ‘Speaking of home field… I activate the Field Spell “Life Arena”.’


The area around shimmered, and suddenly they were in what appeared to be a gladiator arena, although the colours seemed to flow like water and were surprisingly soothing.


However, colours began Appearing on each side. Michael’s changed little, the shimmering light seemed to brighten a little. Joshua however, had his field change to a maroon colour. However there was a circle, narrowly large enough for an average person to stand in, near the corner of Joshua’s side of the field that was shifting between blue and brown.


Joshua’s opponent frowned. ‘Odd, very odd. The maroon shows pain, anger, but not to the point of darkness. Then again, it might be well hidden.’ He turned to the shifting blue and brown spot near the edge, the frown deepened. ‘And that… Doesn’t seem to be normal, nothing I’ve seen ever reflects that, except myself that one time, I guess… But what does it mean?’


Shrugging the thoughts off for later, he stated ‘Next, prepare yourself for “Life Plaguist” (3/1200/200)’


Entering the arena was what appeared to be a sickly man. His skin was pale, his eyes sunk and withdrawn; his breath was visible, and full of black flecks.


‘I’ll set one card, and end my turn.’


Joshua drew. ‘I summon “Chemicalist – Alloy Brass” (4/1800/1800).


A Large statue of a bearded man appeared, its fists way out of proportion with it’s body, larger then it’s head.


‘Now, Brass will destroy that sick man!’ Joshua declared.


His opponent smiled. ‘Yes, it would be nice to let him out of his misery. Unfortunately, that won’t be happening. You’ve triggered his effect! Whenever he is declared as an attack target, you take nine hundred points of damage!’


The air suddenly became thick with the black flecks coming out of that monster’s mouth, swarming Joshua. Joshua remained firm. ’Compared to shadow and Orichalcos duels, this is nothing.’


(JLP: 7100)


‘Your monster still falls.’ Joshua snapped back.


‘Not quite, now it’s time for my Field Spell!’


“Life Plaguist” glowed; his body strengthened and regained colour (3/1200-2100/200).


‘As long as “Life Arena” remains on the field, whoever has the most life points can have one of their monsters gain attack points equal to the difference.’ Joshua’s opponent explained.


‘Well, my monster has an ability of his own!’ Joshua spat. ‘He can’t be destroyed during the turn he is summoned!’


‘Battle Calculation is still applied, I imagine?’


‘Actually, I couldn’t deal or be dealt damage with him on the turn he is summoned, either.’


‘Stalemate it is.’ The opposition sighed.


Black flecks surrounded the Brass man, but they were swatted away like flies.


‘I’ll set a card of my own and end my turn.’ Joshua declared. As he did so, the blue and brown section of the arena became the maroon color that the surroundings were.


‘Very well.’ The person drew a card. ‘Now, prepare yourself for this! I summon “Life Blade Master” (4/1900/1600)


A man wearing light chain mail and wielding a long, thin blade materialized. His cold blue eyes looked at his opposition with calm and focus.


‘As long as the monster who is affected with “Life Arena” remains in play, I can’t shift it to a new one. But no matter, he is powerful enough. show him the affinity you have with your blade and cut down that monster with “Life Line Cut”!’


The man dashed forward, blade raised, he cut down…


His blade met not bronze, but steel (5/2300/1800), A man made entirely of steel shining in the dim light of the hallway had appeared in a burst of energy and blocked the strike with a blade of his own. He forced the blade master back, and then sliced him in half, destroying the man.


‘You met the hard way “Chemicalist – Alloy Steel”.’ Joshua said with a smirk. ‘He can be Special Summoned when a Chemicalist is declared as an attack target or the target of a card effect. He is summoned and the attack or effect is redirected to him.’ Joshua sighed. ‘Alas, he shares the Alloy ability of being unable to deal or be dealt damage during the first turn, or destroyed for that matter.’


‘I thought you would do something like that. However I will not let his final gift go to waste! When he is destroyed, I gain five hundred life points, and you lose the amount.’


It wasn’t even noticeable to Joshua as a red aura surrounded him (JLP: 6600)


Yet his opponent smiled and closed his eyes as a blue aura enveloped him (MLP: 8500), he took a deep breath.


But the one who it had the most effect on was Plaguist, his skin healed still more, he almost looked normal now, aside from a few scars and very pale skin (3/2100-3100/200).


‘Speaking of my Plaguist, he has yet to attack.’


Black flecks filled the air. They surrounded the Bronze man, however some of them diverted course and struck Joshua.


(JLP: 6200)


‘When it declares an attack itself, you take four hundred damage. That gives Plaguist a small boost (3/3100-3500).


Then the flecks converged, and there was nothing left of the Bronze man that had been there (JLP: 4500) (3/3500-5200/200).


The sick man now had no trace of being sick, and his muscles had expanded. He flexed them experimentally, smiling.


‘That will do for me.’


‘Damn, any ideas voice in my head?’ Joshua sniffed.


He received no reply. There was soothing silence, the weight gone from his head.


‘Figures it would leave when I needed it.’ Joshua sighed, drawing a card.


‘I set a monster and end my turn.’


His opposition drew a card. ‘I summon “Life Warrior” (4/1600/1000).


An armoured warrior appeared, a face revealing age and wisdom, yet also strength. He wielded a sword effortlessly.


‘And as long as my Life Points are higher then yours, he gets an 800 attack point boost (4/1600-2400/1000).’


‘Now, defeat that face-down.’


One slash, a creature made of a rather soft blue substance appeared momentarily before being vaporised in a burst of light that came with the blade.


‘Now, Plaguist.’


No black flecks, the man charged forward and gave a nearly solid whack on Joshua’s head (JLP: 100) (3/5200-10700/200).


‘Damn it, if I don’t figure out something, who knows what this guy will do to me!’


Grimacing, sweat running down his face, Joshua drew again. ‘This could be a start, I guess.’


‘I summon “Chemicalist – MgO Backburner” (4/1850/300)’


A white, powdery figure kept in a rough humanoid shape by unknown forces appeared, he must have been stronger then he looked however, as he held what seemed to be a mix of a bazooka and a flamethrower in his hands.


‘Next, I activate the spell “Nitrogen Discharge”. When I have a “Chemicalist” on the field, I can destroy one spell or trap on the field and draw a card!’


A brown gas filled the entire arena. Quite suddenly, it exploded. The explosion was unfelt by the two duelists, but the arena was enveloped and vanished from sight.


Joshua’s opponent blinked. ‘Well, that was quick.’


“Life Plaguist” moaned as his body began rotting away again (3/10700-1200/200)


‘Doesn’t really matter though.’ Joshua’s opponent continued. ‘If you attack Plaguist, or if I attack with him, your life points will still drop to zero.


‘I’m not finished yet!’ Joshua grinned. ‘Thanks to my newly drawn card. It’s called “Covalent Summon”, allowing me to summon an additional monster, so long as the first one is a release for the other. So now, I release my Backburner to summon “Chemicalist – CuI Bomber” (5/2300/1600)


Materializing above Joshua’s head was a giant stealth bomber. All black, and a flat bottom to prevent detection from radar.


‘What can it do?’ Joshua’s opponent asked curiously, eyeing the new monster hesitantly.


‘He isn’t what you should be worried about.’ Joshua chuckled. ‘Now I activate the other ability of “Covalent Summon”. I can remove it from the game and pay half my Life Points to Release a “Chemicalist” monster and send a Tuner from my deck to the Graveyard to Special Summon one “Chemicalist” Synchro monster from my extra deck!’


Searching his deck, he selected a monster and placed it in his Graveyard. ‘It was a level two tuner, meaning I get a level seven Synchro! In this case, prepare yourself for "Curium Genablaster" (7/2500/2300)!’


The jet fighter exploded, coming out of the wreckage with no damage at all was a silvery man with what looked like a massive energy generator on his back which was connected to a large chaingun he held.


'Now my monster's effect activates. I send the top card from my deck to the graveyard, and depending on what it is, a different effect activates.' Joshua flipped up the top card in his deck. ‘It’s a Spell card, that means say goodbye to one card on the field. In this case, that Plaguist!’


A hailstorm of bullets were fired at Plaguist, until there was only an oozing mass of flesh left.


‘Some sacrifices are necessary, wouldn’t you agree?’ Joshua’s opponent said quietly.


Joshua still heard. ‘I suppose they are.’


‘Indeed, for a plagued man could bring the death of many, but his death can save them.’ The card that had been there for nearly the entire duel lifted. ‘I activate “Life Sacrificed”. This card can activate when a “Life” monster is destroy. It inflicts half its attack to your life points, and grants me half of it.


The oozing mass of flesh turned half red and half gold, both halves became mist and the red half enveloped Joshua, while the gold half enveloped his opponent.


(JLP: 0)


(MLP: 9100)


The holograms shut off.


Joshua collapsed to the floor. ’I… Lost. What can I do?’


‘Well, a deal is a deal.’ Joshua’s opponent shrugged. ‘Come on, I’ll show you the team, they could really use a few extra hours of sleep.’


Confusion covered Joshua’s face. ‘Wha…’


‘You seem halfway decent. A sick man isn’t of much use in a time of war, but you showed some skill. Trust me, I’m pretty damn good myself, and the fact that your soul is intact seems proof that you aren’t evil.’ He gave a big, inviting smile ’And that fact that my “Life Arena” detected nothing helps as well.’


‘Well… Thanks?’ Joshua blinked.


‘Please to meet you, Joshua Paul.’ He held out his hand invitingly. ‘I’m Michael Res, nice to meet you.’


Joshua took the hand. As he did so, colour drained from Michael’s face. He began shaking.


‘Don’t tell me you’re sick.’ Joshua said with a weak chuckle.


The colour came back, Michael let go of Joshua’s hand. ‘Nah, sorry, don’t know what came over me. He scratched his head sheepishly. ‘Anyway, come with me. Meet the rest of the survivors.’





[spoiler=Vol. 2: Chapter Four Spoilers

Sideline Preparation

Sideline Preparation

Chapter 4: Assassinate the Darkness! Lone Stand.


*There will be a single duel with one briefly appeared character and a new one.


*A bit more about one of the evil sides will be revealed.


*One deck will be similar to "Sartorius", the other will be a rush deck with a twist.



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Not only is this a BUMP' date=' it is also additional space for my next chapters.

[/quote'] Awesome fan fic man, this story should be turned into an anime I would like to see Arashi in drawn out in an anime!

Is Zack Abel the main character of your story? And one question, how did Arashi almost die in a plane?

Very interesting and I'm looking forward for more chapters of Volume 2, you're a good writer you know that? You have very descriptive and amazing ways on how to detail the story, man can't wait for the first chapter!


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*shrugs* thanks. Still working at it though, it isn't perfect.


As for the plane thing. Well, let's just say whoever wrote it was probably the kind of person who tries to predict the future, something happened and his predictions are missing the mark. What plane? Who knows. Perhaps the one his parents died on, perhaps a plane that never existed, perhaps a plane was suppose to crash on top of him!


As for making it an anime... Alas i'm not good at drawing.


Well, glad you enjoyed it!

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*shrugs* thanks. Still working at it though' date=' it isn't perfect.


As for the plane thing. Well, let's just say whoever wrote it was probably the kind of person who tries to predict the future, something happened and his predictions are missing the mark. What plane? Who knows. Perhaps the one his parents died on, perhaps a plane that never existed, perhaps a plane was suppose to crash on top of him!


As for making it an anime... Alas i'm not good at drawing.


Well, glad you enjoyed it!

[/quote'] Welcome! Just keep on doing on what you do best, and I added you to my Buddy List if you don't mind, add me too if you wish! ^^

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