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Yu-Gi-Oh! Sideline Preparation. Volume 2 Chap Three up


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You got that right. I rushed at the end, didn't have much time to finish it. Dunno quite how the duel felt off though... Perhaps Erebos talked too much, but that is his character.


Perhaps the fact that he should have released the berserker instead of whatever monster that didn't need a release in his hand for the ritual? Nah, there was a reason for that...


Did I overuse his hand? Nope, Joshua should still have had three cards, and Erebos funnily enough has only one, or maybe two, i think i miscounted in the end.


Perhaps Erebos really did talk too much, he didn't talk as much last chapter...


Oh, i dunno. If I did I would have probably edited it already... Little help finding it?


Edit: As funny as the coin landing on it's edge would be, i'm afraid SOMEONE has to win the coin toss. It's a pity i know, but aahh well.


Edit2: Speaking of edits, I edited chapter four slightly. Anyway, did you notice any little clues?

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Meh, it was mainly to see if people would think of conspiracy's involving the coin. Aside from tectonix, no conspiracy theories. Dissapointing.


I mean, what if it turns out Erebos is possessed and the duel is somehow reset? What if an effect of a card in Erebos or Joshua's graveyard comes back to save the day and keep the duel going?


Come on people, use your imagination!

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Chapter five added. The most frustrating chapter so far!


First the computer crashes making me lose half the story, then I somehow nearly deleted chapter four from the first post. Turned out i had run out of room, it took me a surprising while to figure that out. So... oops?


Anyway, since that happened I wouldn't be surprised in my frustrated state that more errors slipped under the radar then usual. So while reading, remember any errors you see and report them please. I now have chapter five on the second post.


Anyway I better get to making copies of the chapters. Don't want that scare EVER again...

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Cards so far have been completely updated. Check out the first posts, I think it was the fourth or fifth. You may notice some cards are 'smudged out'. I'm sure you can use your imagination as to why they are :).


Oh, and I have a rep to give! All you have to do is find something in chapter five... I have a line from a certain book. Aside from one word it is exactly the same as from the book. Here's the trick. I CAN tell you what book it is if you ask, BUT if you don't own the book, it won't help, will it? Not to mention if someone ELSE has the book, it will help them. You can ask pretty much anything, but I may not answer it, specifically on words or letters on the line most likely. Just so you know, only one line at a time. No cheating now :).


Maybe it's a bit difficult, but meh. If it takes a while I may do easier questions, if you get it easy, maybe harder ones. If no-one bothers to answer, I'll probably not do it anymore.

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...Hoh boy. NOW you tell me.


As for chemical sub-type. I've considering changing it, as they really have no effect connection. Really they should either be a type in their own right or have chemical in all their names. Probably having chemical in their name would be the best idea.


I guess I'll consider putting the cards in the "Written Card" section later.


Well, I suppose I could just go 'copy and paste'.

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You do realize Opal is in pretty much every second book right? *pauses*. Wait' date=' so far she IS. Book two, book four, book six... Yep.


isn't that funny?


Well, Close enough anyway. You got the right line, but it was actually said by Foaly. check out page 217 of The Arctic Incident if you don't believe me!



I did know it was said by Foaly; I just guess the post got misinterpreted.

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