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Junk Deck [Done I think.]

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I had to remove the Disk Commander, Premature Burial and the 3rd Card of Safe Return. I replaced Disk with a 3rd Marauding, Premature Burial with a 3rd ROTA, and didn't bother putting in a 41st card.



3 Junk Synchron

2 The Tricky

1 D.D. Warrior Lady

3 The Calculator

3 Quillbolt Hedgehog

1 Spirit Reaper

1 Sangan

2 Dark Resonator

2 Jutte Fighter

3 Marauding Captain



1 Monster Reborn

1 Heavy Storm

1 Pot of Avarice

2 Lightening Vortex

3 Reinforcement of The Army

3 Shrink

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Foolish Burial

2 Instant Fusion



2 Limit Reverse

2 Graceful Revival


Extra Deck(12):

3 Junk Warrior

2 Goyo Guardian

3 Stardust Dragon

2 Colossal Fighter

1 Gilta The D. Knight

1 Elemental Hero Mariner



I'm trying to keep the deck cheap, so please don't suggest anything outrageous.


Rand and fix please. :D

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At least the name fits the deck


start with cyber dragon and 2 instant fusion add a couple good fusion monster with different levels (reaper on the nightmare, dragoness the wicked knight, flame ghost, sanwitch)


take out one foolish burial and 2 other cards you don't like


Max 2 copies of a white cards (gosh why so many people knows the syncros work like a tool box [sarcasm])


+ 1 red dragon archfiend (in a tin easy to get)

+ 1 tought ruler archfiend

+ 1 magical android


BTH in the traps lineup would be good try to make them fit

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1: The Deck is based on Junk Warrior, hence the low level monsters and deck name.


2: I prefer The Tricky over Cyber Dragon.


3: Take out a Foolish Burial and 2 other cards for 3 Instant Fusions along with a Reaper on the Nightmare in Extra Deck?


4: Thought Ruler and Magical Android are useless in his deck. Red Dragon is a maybe though.


5: Bottomless Trap Hole I was Thinking about, if anything, I would dump a Limit Reverse for one and add in a second one to make the deck 41 cards.

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^Followin your suggestions Android, this deck would also need more Lv 3 tuners, assumin I remember instant fusion right. Why the Psychic Synchro monsters?


Limit rverse only has 4 targets,


-2 Limit Reverse

-1 Foolish

+1 Tricky/CyDra (Up to you)

+2 Instant Fusion


Due the fusion thing that Android said.


EDIT: Shadow37Ninja posted between me and Android whilest I was postin.

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^Followin your suggestions Android' date=' this deck would also need more Lv 3 tuners, assumin I remember instant fusion right. Why the Psychic Synchro monsters?


Limit rverse only has 4 targets,


[b']7 actually.[/b]


-2 Limit Reverse

-1 Foolish

+1 Tricky/CyDra (Up to you)

+2 Instant Fusion


I'll think about something like that.


Due the fusion thing that Android said.


EDIT: Shadow37Ninja posted between me and Android whilest I was postin.


@ Gladiator, thanks I guess.

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I did this:


-1 Foolish Burial

-1 Graceful Revival

+2 Instant Fusion

+1 Reaper on the Nightmare

+1 Ojama Knight (random, but only LV 5 I could find in My commons that had an effect.)

+1 Deepsea Shark (find something better, I dare You)


I haven't playtested the deck since I've made those mods.




Would taking out the COSR for 2 ECons, Book of Moon or Shrinks be a good idea?

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