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Card Enterings for my new booster- EASY to win

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There will be 91 winners- Think of how much the odds are of you winning! Astronomically high!!!

COSTS a fee of two points to enter

Post as many cards as you like. Post a picture (or link, preferably pic) of any card(s) you made, and post them. Only 8 (eight) synchros will be entered. They must be Dragon related cards. I like cool pics, cool color jobs, cool names, and cool effects (BTW: I STILL need color jobs done on some cards. If you can do them, I will pm u a list. Just pm me.).

Prizes: 1 +rep

If your card(s) is/are one of the top ten, you will receive a FREE pack once it comes out, or NINE cards OF YOUR CHOICE. The booster is called Ultimate Carnage Dragons and I STILL need a pack cover done for me, a 5D one with the 5d logo. Please put a cool pic on it, and pm me telling me if you will do it. Please do not wait for me to respond, I will ONLY pay you points/reps/whatever if I LIKE IT.



at least super rare.

IF you have a card(s) that I REALLY like, I will probably give you additional +reps. Happy posting,

eleMENTAL hero ethan


P.S. +reps REALLY help right now, especially since some one frigging gave me a neg for no reason, AND, I will rep back whoever reps me, neg or +.

___***!!!1 FREE +rep to the first person to post a card!!!***___

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Uh... if you got a neg rep' date=' get over it. -.-". if its pointless, get it deleted... and returning people's reps that they give you, is rep spam..


So.. you want us to enter 8 Synchro Cards, all must be Dragon Related?



No, and there do not have to be eight synchros. Doesn't matter if they are synchro or not. Post as many as u want. The monsters do not have to be Dragons, but I would prefer it if their effects have something to do with dragons OR demons.


Thank you for asking b4 posting, sorry I waz bussy and couldn't get back to ya sooner. Thanks for the information on Rep Spamming.

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