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This is the last time, I promise!

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It can probably run without it. I just dont like it at 3. Not in this format anyway. It costed me too many duels when it turned up in my hand instead of a Survivor or a D-Fissure at the worst of times. I lost to a bloody E-Hero Deck that wasnt Big City or Little City. Thats how badly I got beaten.


I feel your pain.


I mean, I lost to a FAILPILE, not even Heroes, no theme, nothing.

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LOL one loss means nothing though back before the mid format change i lost to a GEM beast and i was playing DAD (saw nothing no d fusion, no allure, no d draw, 4 dead monsters in my hand...).


Anyway you have to see if a card helps you more than it hurts the deck. I'd still cut an exiled force for a kuraz because now the return seems pointless. Or maybe cut return for monster reborn since you have nothing that protects dimensionnal fissure/macro cosmos.


Do you have access to dark bribe? it's not solemn but it's better than nothing.


You could always try to borrow solemn/allure from someone it's a good alternative.

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