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This is the last time, I promise!

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This is going to be the last version of my Macro Monarch deck that I will be posting.


Follows the new September ban list, and it's missing three cards in the side deck. (Technically legal...)


Have a look, tell me what you think.


By the way, I'm thinking of putting the Banishers in side deck once I get some Trickies.


Also, don't suggest Solemn or Allure. I don't have either of those, and probably won't be able to get them.


SQUARE M // Format: 01 – 09 – 2008 // Last Update: 29 – 08 – 2008

[spoiler=Deck List]

  • MONSTER: 18 Cards
    • 3 Caius the Shadow Monarch
      1 Raiza the Storm Monarch
      3 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
      3 Cyber Valley
      3 D.D. Scout Plane
      3 D.D. Survivor
      2 Exiled Force

SPELL: 16 Cards

  • 1 Brain Control
    3 Dimensional Fissure
    3 Enemy Controller
    2 Instant Fusion
    1 Mystical Space Typhoon
    3 Reinforcement of the Army
    3 Soul Exchange

TRAP: 6 Cards

  • 3 Bottomless Trap Hole
    2 Macro Cosmos
    1 Return from the Different Dimension


  • 2 Elemental Hero Steam Healer

SIDE DECK: 12 Cards <— Needs three more of something else.

  • 3 Divine Wrath
    3 Mobius the Frost Monarch
    3 Royal Oppression
    3 Threatening Roar


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2 Kuraz is probably the most you want. I tried 3 and it made the deck worse. 2 is good. 1 is also good. Scout Plane should always be maxed, even without Allure. I tried Tricky at 2. It didnt do any good. 1 CyDra was even better. Maybe 2 Instant Fusion (with any 2 Level 5 or Lower Fusions that can be Fusion Summoned) in place of 2 Tricky. 1000 Life Points is really nothing, it is less situational than CyDra, you still get a free tribute and you have no real loss of advantage.

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2 Kuraz is probably the most you want. I tried 3 and it made the deck worse. 2 is good. 1 is also good. Scout Plane should always be maxed' date=' even without Allure. I tried Tricky at 2. It didnt do any good. 1 CyDra was even better. Maybe 2 Instant Fusion (with any 2 Level 5 or Lower Fusions that can be Fusion Summoned) in place of 2 Tricky. 1000 Life Points is really nothing, it is less situational than CyDra, you still get a free tribute and you have no real loss of advantage.



I've begun to hate Kuraz with a passion, not going to play it because of that. >..>


I'll use Instant Fusion then. It's AWESOME because it looks like ramen >:[

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