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Updated Zombie Synchro

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This deck is to be used when Crossroads comes out, like I said before, since thats when Zombie Carrier, the only zombie tuner I know of comes out.


Main Deck: (40)


Monsters: (19)


Darks: (11)

1x Red Eyes Zombie Dragon

1x Il Blud

3x Zombie Master

2x Goblin Zombie

2x Zombie Carrier

1x Sangan

1x Spirit Reaper


Non-Darks: (8)

2x Darkness Gear - Gokeun

3x Mezuki

3x Pyramid Turtle


Spells: (14)

3x Allure of Darkness

3x Book of Life

2x Burial From A Different Dimension

2x Card of Safe Return

2x Zombie World

1x Monster Reborn

1x Mystical Space Typhoon



Traps: (8)

3x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute

2x Solemn


Extra Deck: (15)

1x Reaper on the Nightmare

1x Sanwitch

3x Stardust Dragon

3x Red Dragon Archfiend

3x Deathkaiser Dragon

2x Goyo Guardian

2x Gaia Knight, The Force of Earth


I wanna fit in a third Burial since I have 3 Allure and 3 Mazuki, and it allows for Mezuki abuse =). I also wanna fit in 2 Foolish Burial.


[spoiler=Xander Clause]Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon


This card can be Tribute Summoned by Tributing 1 Zombie-Type monster. When this card destroys a Zombie-Type monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon that monster to your side of the field.


Darkness Gear - Gokeun


You can Normal Summon this card without Tribute. If this card is Normal Summoned this way, during your End Phase, if you do not control a Zombie-Type monster other than this card, send this card to the Graveyard and take damage equal to this cards ATK.


Zombie Carrier


You can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard by placing 1 card from your hand on top of your Deck. When this card is removed from the field after being Special Summoned by this effect, it is removed from play.


Zombie World


All monsters on the field and in the Graveyard are treated as Zombie-Type monsters. No monsters can be Tribute Summoned, except Zombie-Type monsters.


Death Kaiser Dragon


"Zombie Carrier" + 1 or more Zombie-Type non-Tuner monsters monster

When this card is Special Summoned, you can select 1 Zombie-Type monster in your opponent's Graveyard and Special Summon it to your side of the field in Attack Position. When this card is removed from the field, destroy that monster.


Royal Impregnable Fortress


While this card is face-up on the field, card(s) cannot be removed from play.







-3x Ryu Kokki


+3 Darkness Gear - Gokeun

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there is one other Tuner coming out in Crossroads of chaos for Zombies:

Plaguespreader Zombie


and from the look of your deck this particular Zombie Tuners effect can really be abused with the card of safe returns [it wont really matter with how much you draw in one turn]





Never mind, didn't notice the Name Change on Zombie Carrier/Plaguespreader Zombie, Sorry.

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