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REd eyes deck


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2x Masked Dragon

1x Twin Headed Dragon

1x Decoy Dragon

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Marshmalon

3x Dasher

1x Diamond Dude

1x Stratos


3x Allure Of Darkness

1x Card Destruction

2x Hand Destruction

1x Super Rejuvenation

3x Infernal Fireblast

2x Serial Spell

1x Monster Reborn

1x Monster Gate

1x Reasoning

1x Heavy Storm

1x Typhoon

1x Stomping Destruction

1x Rota


1x Torrential

3x Reckless Greed

1x Mirror Force


40 Card deck. Should be self Explanatory. Meh at least i tried.

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Well maybe u should put in the red-eyes black dragon' date=' red eyes black chick, red eyes metal dragon,metalmorph, red eyes darkness dragon and the super rare, red eyes darkness metal draGON.



Never use REBMD outside of Chimeratech Reasoning / Gate Nomi OTK. EVER!!! Darkness Metal Dragon is also unreleased in the TCG. Metalmorph just plain sucks.


This could be a remotely viable Red-Eyes Deck.


Extra Deck: 3


3x Five-Headed Dragon


Monsters: 21


3x Red-Eyes B. Dragon

3x Dark Horus

2x Judgment Dragon

2x Prime Material Dragon

3x Masked Dragon

3x Exploder Dragon

2x Red-Eyes B. Chick

2x Phantom of Chaos

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior


Spells: 17


3x Allure of Darkness

3x Trade-In

1x Reasoning

1x Monster Gate

1x Monster Reborn

1x Future Fusion

3x Dragon's Mirror

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade

1x Mystical Space Typhoon


Traps: 4


1x Torrential Tribute

3x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast


Build that and WIN!!

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